Tuesday 4 July 2017

Foreign Trading System Ooad Project

O programa de visto H-1B foi criado em 1990 para permitir que as empresas tragam trabalhadores técnicos qualificados para os EUA. It8217 é um visto de não-imigrante e, portanto, não tem nada a ver com ficar nos EUA, tornar-se cidadão ou começar um negócio. Os empregadores de grande tecnologia estão constantemente pressionando os aumentos das cotas H-1B citando sua incapacidade de encontrar candidatos a empregados classificados da U. S. Bill Gates e outros líderes da indústria de TI testemunharam isso antes do Congresso. Ambos os principais partidos políticos abraçam o programa H-1B com diferentes níveis de entusiasmo. Mas Bill Gates está errado. O que ele disse ao Congresso pode ter sido correto para a Microsoft, mas foi errado para a América e só pode levar a salários mais baixos, menor emprego e um nível de vida mais baixo. Este é um acordo maior do que as pessoas entendem: é o renascimento das relações laborais industriais em torno de 1920. Nossa ignorância sobre o programa de visto H-1B está sendo usada para limitar injustamente os salários e roubar 8212 sim, roubar 8212 empregos de cidadãos dos EUA. Há uma série de mal-entendidos comuns sobre o programa H-1B, o primeiro dos quais é seu tamanho. As cotas H-1B são definidas pelo Congresso e variam de 65.000 a 190.000 por ano. Embora isso pareça limitar o impacto do programa em uma nação de 300 milhões, H-1B é muito maior do que você pensa, porque cada visto dura três anos e pode ser prorrogado por mais três anos depois. A qualquer momento, existem cerca de 700.000 titulares de vistos H-1B que trabalham nos EUA. A maioria desses titulares de vistos H-1B trabalha em Tecnologia da Informação (TI) e a maioria desses vem da Índia. Existem cerca de 500 mil trabalhadores de TI nos EUA que possuem vistos H-1B. De acordo com o US Census Bureau, há cerca de 2,5 milhões de trabalhadores de TI na América. Então, aproximadamente 20% da força de trabalho doméstica não é doméstica, mas importada em vistos H-1B. Tenha isso em mente à medida que avançamos. H-1B é um visto de não-imigrante. Os titulares do H-1B podem trabalhar aqui por 3-6 anos, mas depois devem retornar aos países nativos. É possível que H-1Bs se converta para um tipo diferente de visto, mas não é comum. A maneira mais comum, de fato, de converter um visto H-1B em um cartão verde é através do casamento com um cidadão americano. H-1B não é o único meio para que os estrangeiros trabalhem na América. Eles podem trabalhar até certo ponto em vistos de estudantes e, de fato, muitos vistos de estudantes são eventualmente convertidos em H-1B para aqueles que têm um emprego e quer ficar, mas talvez não imigrem. Há um equívoco sobre o programa H-1B que foi projetado para permitir que as empresas importassem trabalhadores com talentos exclusivos. Há muito tempo existe um programa de visto para esse propósito. O programa de visto O (para pendentes) é para importar gênios e nada mais. Curiosamente, o programa de visto O não tem cotas. Então, quando Bill Gates se queixou de não poder importar suficientes técnicos para a Microsoft, ele não estava falando sobre gênios, apenas codificadores normais. Eu não quero escolher apenas a Microsoft aqui, mas eu conheço bem a empresa e escrevi ao longo dos anos sobre seus procedimentos técnicos de recrutamento. A Microsoft possui um rigoroso processo de recrutamento e verificação. Do mesmo modo, o Google, Apple 8212, você nomeia a empresa. Todas essas empresas vão ter o máximo de candidatos para o visto do O como eles podem obter, mas há apenas que muitos que se qualificam, razão pela qual as quotas não são necessárias. Então, quando a Microsoft 8212 ou a Boeing, para o assunto, 8212 diz que uma limitação nos vistos H-1B é impedir que eles obtenham melhores talentos, eles não significam isso da maneira que eles implicam. Se um empregado em potencial é realmente o melhor talento, o tipo de engenheiro que realmente pode fazer coisas que os outros simplesmente não conseguem 8212, não há muito que a empresa contratasse essa pessoa sob o programa de visto O. Os vistos H-1B são sobre tecnólogos de viagem e nada mais. As empresas também podem transferir funcionários para o país que trabalhou por pelo menos um ano para a empresa no exterior sob um visto L-1. Estes, também, são limitados por cota e a cota é tipicamente menor do que para H-1Bs. No final da década de 1980, quando o programa H-1B foi considerado em primeiro lugar, ele era visto como uma alternativa preferível de curto prazo para L-1. Desde então, tornou-se outra coisa muito mais escura. Assim, o visto B, que se destina a empresas para levar seus funcionários estrangeiros para os EUA para reuniões de negócios e feiras comerciais. Você ficaria impressionado com quantas reuniões de negócios e feiras comerciais durarão 30 dias, uma vez que as empresas usam vistos B para permitir que funcionários estrangeiros trabalhem por algum tempo nos EUA. I8217m disse que a IBM às vezes trabalha em pelotão em vistos B, enviando-os para lugares como o México por um curto período de tempo Depois trazendo-os de volta pela fronteira para outro período. Os vistos de turismo também são comumente abusados, embora proíbam especificamente o trabalho. A questão mais interessante aqui não é o que as corporações multinacionais abusam constantemente dos vistos B e turistas, mas aqueles que não são, é tão comum. Um argumento chave para o H-1B sempre foi que há uma falta de talento técnico na U. S. IT. Isto foi tomado como dado por ambos os principais partidos políticos. Mas está errado. Aqui estão seis estudos rigorosos (1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6) que mostram que não há escassez de trabalhadores STEM nos EUA nem a probabilidade de tal escassez nos próximos anos. Você pode se lembrar de uma coluna recente aqui onde a comunidade de TI em Memphis, TN provou que não houve escassez de mão-de-obra naquele viveiro de tecnologia. Todo o argumento de escassez de mão-de-obra é a culpa total. Sim, há escassez de mão-de-obra em salários abaixo do padrão. Tudo isso pode ser apenas dinheiro sim. As regras para os vistos H-1B indicam que devem ser para posições técnicas para as quais não existe um cidadão americano comparável disponível e a posição deve pagar o salário prevalecente ou superior. É essa a definição de salário prevalecente, em que nos veremos sinais de abuso de H-1B pelos empregadores. A intenção da lei original era que as empresas não usassem os trabalhadores H-1B simplesmente para economizar dinheiro. Na legislação habilitadora de 1990, no entanto, existem duas definições diferentes do termo 8220 do salário preventivo.8221 O primeiro é bastante rigoroso, enquanto o segundo, que é usado por empregadores auto-certificadores para estabelecer escalas de remuneração reais, tem muito espaço de suspensão. Aviso, leitura densa adiante. Aqui está a definição inicial do salário prevalecente em 8 USC 1182 (n) (1) A) (i) está oferecendo e oferecerá durante o período de emprego autorizado para estrangeiros admitidos ou forneceram status como salários H1B não imigrantes Pelo menos (ii) o nível salarial real pago pelo empregador a todos os outros indivíduos com experiência e qualificações similares para o emprego específico em questão, ou (iii) o nível salarial prevalecente para a classificação ocupacional na área de emprego, e Aqui está a redefinição do salário prevalecente8221 em 8 USC 1182 (p) (4): (4) Quando o Secretário de Trabalho usa, ou disponibiliza aos empregadores, uma pesquisa governamental para determinar o salário vigente, essa pesquisa deve fornecer pelo menos 4 Níveis de salários proporcionais à experiência, educação e nível de supervisão. Quando uma pesquisa de governo existente tem apenas 2 níveis, 2 níveis intermediários podem ser criados dividindo-se por 3, a diferença entre os 2 níveis oferecidos, adicionando o quociente assim obtido ao primeiro nível e subtraindo esse quociente do segundo nível. Observe que a seção (p) exige que o Departamento de Trabalho estabeleça quatro níveis salariais prevalecentes com base na habilidade, mas a seção (n) requer apenas um salário predominante para ocupação e local. Não existe um requisito estatutário de que o empregador escolha o nível de habilidade que corresponde ao empregado. Vamos ver isso em ação. De acordo com dados do Bureau of Labor Statistics, o salário médio para um programador em Charlotte, NC é 73.965. Mas o salário prevalecente de nível 1 é de 50.170. A maioria das reivindicações salariais prevalecentes nas aplicações H-1B usa o salário de nível 1 reduzindo o custo do trabalho neste caso em quase um terço. Se você estivesse lendo casualmente os estatutos, a propósito, você nunca veria essa redefinição. That8217s porque a seção (p) não se refere a H-1B, mas sim a seção (n) que é referenciada por 8 USC 1101 (a) (15) (H) (i) (b). Mas espere mais. Não é difícil supor a partir desta informação que um afluxo de trabalhadores H-1B que representam uma média de 20 por cento da força de trabalho técnica local (aqueles 500.000 H-1Bs contra um grupo de trabalho corporal de 2,5 milhões) empurrariam os salários locais . Existe uma abundante evidência anedótica de que também, mas a maioria dos estudos acadêmicos mais rigorosos não mostra isso porque não há dados facilmente disponíveis. O que os dados estão disponíveis vem dos pedidos iniciais do empregador para slots H-1B. Estes aplicativos de condição de trabalho, chamados ACLs, incluem estimativas do empregador dos salários vigentes. Porque sempre há mais aplicativos H-1B do que os vistos H-1B concedidos, todos os empregadores que procuram um H-1B podem arquivar 3-5 LCA por slot, cada um dos quais pode usar um salário prevalecente diferente. Mas quando o pedido de visto é aprovado, entendo que as empresas patrocinadoras podem escolher quais LCA realmente significam e aplicar esse número de remuneração vigente para a contratação. Como o visto já foi concedido, é claro que eles tendem a assumir o menor número de salários vigente, porque esse é o número contra o qual eles combinam o mercado de trabalho local. Lembre-se que parte deste negócio de obter H-1Bs não deve haver um cidadão dos EUA com habilidades comparáveis ​​disponíveis no salário local vigente. Se considerarmos esse exercício usando os dados de Charlotte, acima, uma empresa provavelmente procuraria um programador esperando 73,965 ou acima (afinal, eles estão tentando atrair talento, certo), mas oferecendo 50,170 ou abaixo (o truque de LCA múltiplo). Não é de admirar que não consigam um cidadão qualificado para assumir o cargo. Baseado exclusivamente em ACV aprovados, 51% dos vistos H-1B concedidos recentemente estavam no percentil 25 para pagar ou abaixo. Isso é estatisticamente impossível sob a intenção do programa. Não temos uma maneira clara de saber o que as empresas realmente pagam seus H-1Bs além dos ACLs, porque essa informação normalmente não é coletada, mas lembre-se de que qualquer nível que não inclua benefícios que possam adicionar outros 30-40 por cento a um salário de cidadãos dos EUA. Aqui está o Governo da Índia, promovendo seus H-1Bs como mais baratos do que os trabalhadores dos EUA, o que é claro que eles não são, por lei, supostamente. Eu queria que isto fosse a extensão do abuso, mas não é. Um estudo do Escritório de Responsabilidade do Governo de 2011 (GAO) de 2011 descobriu que aproximadamente 21% dos vistos H-1B são simplesmente fraudulentos 8212 que o trabalhador está trabalhando para uma empresa diferente da que solicitou o visto, que a identidade dos titulares de visto mudou, que O trabalhador não é qualificado para H-1B com base em habilidades ou educação, ou a empresa não está qualificada para o programa H-1B. H-1Bs, apesar de não serem cidadãos ou residentes permanentes, recebem números da Segurança Social para que eles possam pagar impostos sobre a renda dos EUA. Um estudo da Administração da Segurança Social. Que é cuidadoso em apontar que seu trabalho não inclui monitoramento ou aplicação da imigração, encontrou uma série de anomalias do H-1B, o mais impressionante para mim era que sete por cento dos empregadores da H-1B não reportaram pagamentos a H-1B Titulares de vistos. Isso não é grande coisa para o SSA, porque essas pessoas não se qualificam para nenhum benefício, mas faz com que alguém se pergunte se eles estão subestimando apenas a Segurança Social ou também para o IRS e por que eles podem fazer isso. Os empregadores H-1B que relatam Social A renda de segurança faz isso em um nível que é dramaticamente mais baixo do que se poderia esperar para as classificações de trabalho que são legalmente exigidas para pagar o salário preventivo.8221 Talvez, neste ponto, devo salientar que o programa de visto H-1B é administrado pelo Departamento de Segurança Interna. Sinta-se melhor Uma defesa da H-1B pode ser que aumenta os níveis gerais de habilidade, mas os estudos mostram que os funcionários do H-1B são consistentemente menos capazes do que os seus homólogos dos cidadãos dos EUA. Este ponto de dados é especialmente interessante porque é extraído dos dados LCA, onde a aplicação de empresas afirmou que 56 por cento dos candidatos H-1B estavam na categoria de habilidade mais baixa e, portanto, poderiam ser menos pagos. Então, ao mesmo tempo, as empresas afirmam que precisam do programa H-1B para trazer trabalhadores qualificados, os trabalhadores que estão trazendo não são muito habilidosos. Ou se eles são habilidosos, as empresas patrocinadoras estão passando a papelada para justificar o pagamento de salários inferiores aos do mercado. Ou a verdade é condenatória e a última é francamente ilegal. Aqui, onde eu vou dar um grito ao contingente Libertário, lendo esta coluna, porque eles costumam dizer 8220. Então, o que é todo homem ou mulher para si mesmo. Os empregadores devem ser capazes de fazer o que quer que sejam, por favor, enquanto os trabalhadores sempre podem ir para outro lugar.8221 Mas isso é contra a lei. Neste ponto, um leitor de longa data desta coluna fala: eu tenho sido um advogado de imigração praticante há mais de 13 anos. Eu fiz muitos vistos H-1B e, como qualquer outro programa do governo, foi carregado e ainda está carregado de abusos8230. Na minha opinião, os empregadores que precisam de trabalhadores da H-1B Visa devem ter que passar por um processo de triagem antes de poderem enviar o A aplicação e uma ligação devem ser postadas se violarem a lei. Para uma grande corporação multinacional para jogar este jogo não é nova. A razão pela qual eles continuam com essas atividades são apenas por um único controle 8212. Controle do funcionário e negociação desigual no final do dia. Eu lidei com isso com diferentes corporações multinacionais8230 e eles têm, podem e agirão da mesma maneira. Como sempre, leva uma investigação pelo USDOJ ou multas maciças (ou ambas) para redirecionar o comportamento ruim para a conformidade federal. Mesmo que eu não estivesse no ponto zero nestas coisas, ainda me incomodaria, escrevi outro leitor de longa data que passou toda sua carreira em TI. Nosso país passou décadas aprendendo a tratar os trabalhadores com justiça e respeito. A força motriz por trás dos sindicatos, em primeiro lugar, era resolver sérios problemas no local de trabalho. Com tudo isso offshoring e H-1B cagar, we8217ve despejado 100 anos de melhorar a sociedade abaixo do dreno. Talvez os trabalhadores dos EUA custem muito. O problema é que não estamos corrigindo o problema real. À medida que mais e mais empregos saem da costa, o dano à nossa economia cresce. Se solucionássemos os problemas, o campo de jogo seria mais nivelado e os trabalhadores dos EUA poderiam competir por empregos. Esses abusos pelas corporações não são apenas prejudicando os trabalhadores dos EUA, eles estão prejudicando nossa nação. O uso de H-1Bs leva mais corpos para fazer o mesmo trabalho ao qual deve ser adicionado todo o trabalho de descumprimento. O jogo do sistema está longe de ser fácil. No final, acho que as economias para as empresas são mínimas, talvez até inexistentes, e o sinal que envia aos alunos é estudar direito em vez de ciência da computação. Raj The Intruder 18 de novembro de 2014 às 12:06 am Este artigo de mentalidade estreita provou o quão burro, ignorante, patético e racista, vocês são americanos. Mas realmente os comentários e o artigo me fizeram rir. Gostei de ler e sim, sou orgulhoso de ser um indiano trabalhando nos EUA. Se eu fizer isso com ciúmes e fazer você pensar muito, passar tempo pesquisando sobre H1b, então eu ganhei. Não é de admirar por que o mundo inteiro pensa 8230.Dumb, Fat, Arrongant Americans. Eu trabalho no campo Médico em NY, eu quero enfatizar que os índios dominam também nos cuidados de saúde, mais de 50 dos moradores e os médicos são indianos (Brownies) Agora é tempo de melhorar suas habilidades necessárias no campo de TI e competir com a gente ou Sinta ciúmes toda a sua vida e morre de ódio e ciúmes. Faça a escolha certa ... Melhores resultados. Winner Smart, Hard working Indian. Perdedor mudo, preguiçoso americano nascido americano. O artigo prova isso. Boa sorte, ppl. USJobexported 19 de novembro de 2013 às 2:36 pm Com base na sua localização 8211, você deve estar trabalhando para a SAS. Sua localização provavelmente também tem algo a ver com sua dificuldade de recrutamento. I8217m em um piso em um banco agora que costumava ser todos os povos americanos 8211 agora eles são todos 8216consultants8217 de uma empresa chamada Hexaware. Desenvolvimento básico de SQL, administração de aplicativos ERP, entradas de diário. O valor desses caras para o banco é real 8211 eles se moverão em qualquer lugar, eles viverão 3 para um quarto, eles trabalharão noites e fins de semana. Esta é a contribuição do seu valor sobre o que os recursos dos EUA fariam. Agora, é certo que eu não sei. Eu acho que os americanos ficaram complacentes, exigindo salários sobre o valor de suas contribuições para a organização. MAS 8211 são americanos, e seu país deve cuidar deles. Let8217s acabou de sair da dança 8211 NÓS PRECISAMOS TRABALHOS BARATOS para manter os preços dos nossos produtos baixos. Claro, ao longo do tempo, a classe média vai diminuir, mas você precisa apreciar que os EUA lideram a Globalização do mundo em algumas gerações, a economia que exportamos aqui se tornará visível na Índia 8211 e, em seguida, temos um parceiro comercial com mais oportunidades . É frustrante ver Gates dizer que tem escassez de talento, apesar de 8211, jesus 8211, apenas diga isso, eu preciso que os americanos trabalhem por menos, mas eles ganharam porque estavam em dívida com o treinamento da universidade, então me dê a alternativa da Índia.8217 Amin 1 de junho de 2014 às 6:24 pm Ou suas expectativas ficaram tão altas devido ao enorme número de currículos do FALHAR por consultores indianos que você ignora os currículos reais dos Nacionais dos EUA ou você apenas quer pagar tanto James 31 de agosto, 2014 às 15h13. Empresas de TI que fornecem vistos para trabalhadores indianos são uma farsa. Trabalhei com trabalhadores da I T da Índia e achei que eles eram muito medíocres em seu trabalho. Eles não têm idéia de orçamento, qualidade ou entrega no prazo. No entanto, em troca de um visto, eles irão trabalhar de forma econômica. As empresas utilizam o visto como uma ferramenta de recrutamento. Os EUA estão rapidamente a caminho do Reino Unido, do Canadá, mesmo da Escandinávia e, quando essas pessoas já dirigem o país, levam os empregos do governo que eles parecem migrar, assumir as lojas da esquina, postos de gasolina, motéis, basicamente todo o dinheiro Empresas pelas quais eles podem evitar pagar impostos, você vai se arrepender desta noção liberal. Ninguém quer parecer racista, temos leis para evitar isso. Eles conhecem isso e as leis e os usam. Samantha Jeff 9 de setembro de 2014 às 5:18 pm Olá a todos, meu nome é Samantha Jeff, eu sou do Texas, Estados Unidos, estou aqui para testemunhar de como recebi meu empréstimo de Andre Frank depois de eu aplicar duas vezes de vários Credores de empréstimo que alegaram ser credores diretamente neste fórum, pensei que seus empréstimos eram reais e eu aplicava, mas eles nunca me deram empréstimo. Eu precisava de um empréstimo urgente para começar um negócio e eu apliquei de vários credores de empréstimos que prometeram ajudar, mas nunca me deram o empréstimo. Até que um amigo meu me apresente ao Sr. Andre Frank, CEO da Andre Frank Loan Company, que Prometeu me ajudar com um empréstimo de meu desejo e ele realmente fez o que ele prometeu sem qualquer tipo de atraso, nunca pensei que ainda existissem credores credores confiáveis ​​até encontrar meu sr. Andre Frank, que realmente me ajudou com o meu empréstimo e mudou minha lenda para melhor. Eu não sei se você precisa de um empréstimo urgente, sinta-se livre para entrar em contato com o Sr. Andre Frank em seu e-mail para ajudar Julian Sam 1 de outubro de 2014 às 1:39 am Olá, todos sou sra Julian Sam De Ohio EUA, eu Rapidamente quer usar esse meio para cortar um testemunho sobre como Deus me dirigiu a um Legit e credor de empréstimo real que transformou minha vida de grama em graça, de ser pobre a uma mulher rica que agora pode se orgulhar de uma vida saudável e rica sem Estresse ou dificuldades financeiras. Depois de tantos meses de tentar obter um empréstimo na internet e foi roubado a soma de 5.200, fiquei tão desesperado em obter um empréstimo de um credor de empréstimo legítimo online que não vai adicionar minhas dores, então eu decidi entrar em contato com um amigo de O meu que recentemente obteve um empréstimo on-line, discutimos sobre o problema e a nossa conclusão, ela me contou sobre um homem chamado Harrison Loris, que é o CEO da Harrison Loris Loan Company. Então eu solicitei uma quantia de empréstimo (320,000.00USD) com baixo Taxa de juros de 2, de modo que o empréstimo foi aprovado facilmente sem estresse e todos os preparativos feitos sobre a transferência do empréstimo e em menos de dois (2) dias, o empréstimo foi depositado no meu banco, então eu quero aconselhar alguém que eu preciso de um Empréstimo para contactá-lo rapidamente através de: (lorisloancompanyyahoo) ele não sabe que estou fazendo isso. Rezo para que Deus o abençoe pelo bem que ele fez na minha vida. Meu nome é Andy James atualmente morando na Califórnia EUA Estou enviando uma mensagem por esta carta porque estou muito agradecido com o que Elvin Morrison fez por mim e minha família quando pensei que não havia esperança de que ele chegasse e fizesse um caminho para mim e minha família nos emprestando empréstimo A uma taxa de juros muito baixa de 2. Eu nunca pensei que ainda existiam credores de empréstimo genuinamente enviados por Deus e que na minha melhor surpresa eu consegui meu empréstimo sem perder muito tempo, então, se você estiver procurando por um empréstimo de qualquer Eu gostaria de recomendar você a Elvin Morrison, diretor-gerente da Elvin Loan Company, porque ele é um homem enviado por Deus que pode mudar sua vida para sempre. Então, se você quiser realmente fazer uma vida melhor sem escassez de fundos, eu recomendaria você Entre em contato com ele através deste e-mail abaixo. Mike Wilson 21 de novembro de 2014 às 5:34 pm Eu sou um engenheiro de software de 58 anos com mais de 25 anos de experiência em tecnologia. Existe um segredo sujo que essas pessoas de negócios que afirmam que podem encontrar moradores qualificados para preencher empregos, não devem dizer-lhe. Eles estão manipulando o processo definindo as qualificações tão altas que quase ninguém além de um gênio (por exemplo, Alan Touring, Donald Knuth ou Dennis Ritchie) é bom o suficiente para conseguir o emprego. Os requisitos são tão específicos que, na realidade, o único candidato que pode cumprir as qualificações é alguém que já está naquela equipe. Mas, aparentemente, se você estiver no índio com menos de 30 anos sem documentos e disposto a trabalhar 7 dias por semana por 20 menos do que a taxa média, eles Estão felizes em dar-lhe um vacilar em qualquer qualificação que você tenha. Tanto quanto eu sei, a engenharia de software é o único campo em que os entrevistados devem passar nos exames 8220white board8221, onde devemos escrever código à mão em um quadro branco, enquanto assistimos pelo entrevistador. 8220 Eu quero ver como eles resolvem problemas em seus pés8221 dizer alguns entrevistadores. Esses testes não são como o desenvolvimento do mundo real e há apenas para dar ao entrevistador uma maneira de fazer triagem ilegal de pessoas consideradas muito antigas ou da nacionalidade errada (EUA). Fui demitido e demorou 9 meses para encontrar um contrato de trabalho a 10K abaixo do que eu estava fazendo no tempo integral. Olhou uma tonelada de postagens de emprego com listas de lavanderia de habilidades especializadas exigidas, que quase ninguém terá como esperava que um desenvolvedor incorporado também fosse especialista em programação na internet8230. Agora, mais de 50 dos gerentes de contratação de software são índios e adivinham quem eles preferem Para contratar, vi recentemente uma publicação de emprego que exigia um mínimo de 2-3 anos de experiência preenchida por um cara chinês que APENAS se formou com seus mestres e tem 0 anos de experiência de trabalho real. Por que ele estava disposto a trabalhar 10 horas por minuto. Esta é BS e você sabe o que ganhou8217t por último. Após esses ternos corporativos de visão curta e vorazes matar nosso mercado local de alta tecnologia (quem vai suar pelo inferno da engenharia e entrar em dívida com uma faculdade para obter 30 por hora) e então os índios serão sábios e exigirão mais dinheiro ou começarão os seus próprios Empresas em Bangalore, colocando o nosso fora do negócio tom 21 de novembro de 2014 às 6:21 pm Joe Programmer 6 de agosto de 2013 às 8:12 am Callistus: cara você está efodiado. 8220O fato é que H1bs é mais dedicado, trabalhando duro, orientado a resultados e sabe em todos os momentos o culo está na linha8221. Você é estúpido Se você leu os detalhes dos requisitos H1-B, você saberia que eles deveriam voltar para a Índia no momento em que perderem o emprego. Então, você não quer ignorar o fato de que eles são essencialmente servos contratados e você quer que os trabalhadores americanos atuem da mesma maneira. Até certo ponto, eu concordo que permite que os empregadores encontrem alguém com um salário mais baixo, mas os benefícios para a economia dos EUA são muito mais. Por favor, trabalhe duro na sua parte e tente fazer melhor do que o resto ... ou seja deixado para trás.8221 O que inne bullhit. A maioria dos 1008217s do H1-B8217s com que tive que trabalhar como contratado independente por mais de 20 anos eram, na melhor das hipóteses, jogadores 8220B8221. No máximo, a maioria eram jogadores 8220C8221 e 8220D8221. E muitos deles foram contratados por outros gerentes do H1-B: sim, RACISM. Eu tenho que dizer que ganhei muito dinheiro limpando o trabalho de merda que os H1-B8217s fizeram, então a afirmação de que os trabalhadores americanos estão abaixo do seu comentário esvaziado é uma porcaria completa. Aposto que você é um bozo que teve o mesmo trabalho para uma empresa chata nos últimos 15 anos. Você é uma raça moribunda e descobrirá o caminho mais difícil na próxima vez que você forçar a rua por um emprego. É a ignorância como a sua que permite que esta perseguição continue. A parte realmente triste de tudo isso é que o artigo de Cringley8217s poderia ter sido escrito há 15 anos e ainda seria exato. Suede 13 de setembro de 2013 às 11:54 am I8217m desculpe, você perdeu seu emprego, mas as empresas sempre encontrarão maneiras de obter um estrondo pelo seu dinheiro. Mesmo que não tenha sido um programa de visto H1B, sua empresa pode continuar a terceirizar o trabalho, portanto, você ainda perdeu seu emprego de qualquer maneira. É assim que o mundo está evoluindo e nós temos que nos adaptar. Quando as aplicações de transmissão de música surgiram, em vez de as empresas de música se queixarem de como eles não podem mais vender seus CDs, eles se adaptaram a isso. Isso é exatamente como o mundo funciona. Jeff 14 de setembro de 2013 às 17:45. Sim, que as verdadeiras empresas encontram uma maneira. O Kaiser Permanente ao mesmo tempo (2005) tinha 9 mil profissionais de TI com os EUA, principalmente na Califórnia. Todos fazem bons salários e gastando dinheiro, em casas e automóveis, e pagando impostos federais e estaduais. Em 2009, os últimos 900 profissionais de TI foram enviados para a IBM Índia. That8217s 9000 empregos dos EUA enviados no exterior em apenas 7 anos, pela Kaiser Permanente. Milhares de empresas dos EUA repetiram essas ações com as sanções da Câmara de Comércio dos EUA e do Departamento de Trabalho. Então aprendemos uma coisa. A corrupção funciona. Lilly 28 de dezembro de 2013 às 11:25 pm Compreenda que a Câmara de Comércio dos EUA é uma organização comercial privada com a maioria das principais empresas como membros. Não é uma agência governamental dos EUA. Assim como o Federal Reserve Bank é uma corporação bancária privada. Joe Smith 2 de agosto de 2013 às 12:01 pm Perdi três de meus trabalhos de engenharia para H-1Bs. Eu tentei por anos para obter empregos em engenharia, mas só recebi alguns pedidos de possíveis trabalhos depois que as cotas de visto H-1B foram preenchidas até o dia 3 de outubro apenas alguns dias após a contratação H-1B ter lugar todos os anos. Políticos e lobistas corporativos nos querem técnicos para falhar. Então, eu fui para a Itália e vendi duas de minhas patentes de nanotecnologia para uma empresa iniciante lá. Então, estou me certificando de que minha tecnologia patenteada nunca seja tocada por um H-1B nos EUA ou qualquer outro solo. A Itália estará na vanguarda da nanotecnologia com as minhas patentes e outras patentes dos EUA. Estou sendo compensado por minhas patentes através de uma configuração financeira estrangeira em que nenhum imposto americano é pago. Ao fazer isso, eu também sou elegível e coleciono anualmente 17 mil pessoas da assistência pública do governo federal dos EUA. Então, se você foi afetado negativamente pelo programa H-1B e você tem habilidades técnicas para o desperdício, então faça algo parecido com o que eu fiz, tudo é legal, eu consultei com vários advogados financeiros de patentes e estrangeiros antes de tomar a decisão para fazer isso. Assim, sem o programa H-1B, estaria colocando as minhas patentes e conhecimentos de tecnologia nano para um bom uso para a economia e os avanços tecnológicos dos EUA. Eu pagaria aproximadamente 27.000 em impostos federais por ano, e outros 7.000 em impostos estaduais. Com o programa H-1B, não pago impostos, em vez disso, o governo dos EUA me paga 17 mil por ano. Estou ocupado trabalhando com minhas patentes com os italianos. Então, agradeço aos políticos dos EUA por seus laços corruptos com corporações gananciosas que contratam trabalhadores de visto estrangeiros H-1B para nos substituir técnicos. Por causa de você, eu estou muito à frente e você está ficando para trás. John Fisher 3 de agosto de 2013 às 7:46 pm Minha esposa investigou recentemente a possibilidade de obter uma carreira em TI. Uma das etapas que ela levou foi chamar a atenção sobre os programas de educação. Ela encontrou vários programas de gerenciamento de TI e destruiu aqueles porque não tem experiência de programação e sente que realmente deveria aprender a programar e passar algum tempo fazendo isso antes de presumir gerenciar programadores. Outras pessoas não gostam da mesma maneira. As escolas que oferecem programas de gestão asseguraram-lhe que não precisa ser programadora para ser gerente de TI. O ponto O núcleo do argumento Callistus8217 é que Dan R. não deve ter sido um empregado efetivo. Talvez ele não estivesse ou talvez ele fosse, mas era seu chefe de um dos programas de gerenciamento de TI 8211 e ele tinha o cabelo apontado como o chefe de Dilbert. O chefe de Dan8217s era competente o suficiente para entender o que Dan fazia como empregado. Não. Importante, 4 de agosto, 2013 às 6:31 am Na década de 1990, os anos de go-go do dot com 8211 podem ter sido necessários. It8217s é um pouco infeliz, mas alguns dos 8220demands8221 de indivíduos podem ser muito altos para o mercado neste momento. Eu estava em Nor Cal quando o ponto com era explodiu. O que aconteceu foi, centenas e centenas de empresas demitiram pessoas, e aqueles em certos campos ainda esperavam obter o salário inicial de 250K e os Ferraris como bônus. O mercado mudou imediatamente. Havia um excesso de pessoas, e aqueles que ainda estavam em certos campos estavam bravos porque não aceitariam o fato de que esse excesso de indivíduos havia causado uma correção nos salários. E há outros que parecem, francamente, chateados, perderam a bolha ponto com e se recusam a aceitar a realidade. Há escassez em áreas, como Oracle DBAs, mPX, especialistas em SharePoint, JAVA, SAP e programadores PeopleSoft, etc. Se você não precisar suas habilidades para onde a demanda é 8211, isso é um problema 8211 e afetará suas posições. Outro problema é que algumas pessoas ganham o movimento para onde alguns desses trabalhos são. Seus estados foram destruídos por políticas liberais e as empresas se mudaram. Não acho que este problema seja tão preto e branco quanto alguns querem reivindicar. Temos um problema, talvez. Se quisermos realmente descobrir se essas empresas estão falando a verdade, uma vez que eles são os que procuram trazer o talento de TI, talvez eles deveriam ser feitos para anunciar o trabalho executando isso através desta agência governamental. Publique o trabalho, o salário e tenha os resumos enviados para esta agência, e deixe a empresa justificar a esta agência por que ganhou8217 aceitar as pessoas legais americanas já aqui antes de receber um visto H1-B para esse talento. Isso produziria imediatamente grandes quantidades de dados, que podíamos julgar com precisão se falhamos ou não. Or, was the company looking for a talent that couldn8217t migrate (can8217t change jobs if a company sponsors you). or is the company just looking to run down the wages. Let8217s stop having the conversation in a vacuum and start demanding dataproof to justify what both sides are saying. This would satisfy both sides, and establish if what either side is saying is accurate. bravo September 9, 2013 at 4:12 pm As a professional with 20 years experience in Industrial Automation let me tell you not only here but in every country is very difficult to find talented people. Here and in other countries you can find the typical techy worker, in your words, irresponsible, not motived, willing to leave 4pm after spending the day in drinking coffee and eating donuts in several breaks. Demand of skilled people is a phenomena no country can avoid Suede September 13, 2013 at 11:48 am You should not be writing this article because apparently, you have no clear knowledge about this topic at all. The O Visa requires something like 8211 A) an actor with who won an Academy Award, B) An author who won a Pulitzer Prize. As we all know, there is no such equivalent for every kind of industry, therefore, there is no choice but to put the employee under the H1B visa program. Do not blame it on the H1B holders. Blame it on the broken immigration laws. Ron September 25, 2013 at 3:00 pm Cringely is right, and you are wrong about the O visa. O-1 visas are given to those in IT fields 8220of extraordinary ability8221 (e. g. those with CS or EE doctorates with a long publication or patent history who are considered authorities in their fields) ALL THE TIME. They truly are BY DEFINITION the 8220best and brightest8221 8211 and there is no limit to the number that a company can hire. So they already have unlimited access to the world8217s 8220best and brightest8221. The H-1B visa is specifically for workers with as little as a bachelor8217s degree who work in designated specialty occupations 8211 in the case of the IT industry, this includes ordinary college grad programmers, analysts, and engineers. They are by definition NOT the 8220best and brightest.8221 On the related point of whether IT companies want H-1B workers because they are so much more 8220innovative,8221 peer-reviewed research shows that they are not, nor is there a domestic shortage of qualified workers. Rather, the research shows that the real motivation is to reduce labor costs and to exert more control over workers who are virtually 8220indentured8221 to the company. Source: essential. metapresscontentrr68515891n77336fulltext. pdf Hugo September 30, 2013 at 10:18 am I came from the UK under a H1B in 2002, my skills were in a very specialized area of IT and there was simply no local skills available. I myself had trouble hiring for these skills when I was managing in the UK. The application process was arduous and I did almost all of it myself, they needed all kinds of paperwork including evidence that the prospective employer had not been able to find local skills. It was pretty clear (I thought) that only unusual skillsets and genuine applicants would get admitted, just as we see with American engineers, bankers, professors etc. seeking work in the UK. But since I8217ve been here (I did marry but that was never expected, my H1B employer offered a green card anyway) I8217ve seen what seems to be an abuse of the H1B system. I8217m seeing lots of people from India using H1B for roles that require pretty ordinary skills, for example C, SQL, Linux or VB programmers are not rare skills, they are amongst the most common skillsets in programming. I just don8217t understand how common up to date technical skills justify any need for H1B workers, and why are so many of them from India I wonder Well India has a surplus and there are many staffing firms from India operating in the US 8211 just try applying for an IT job here. Almost every name I encounter when I apply for work here through agencies is clearly Indian, so there is a disproportionate representation not only of Indian programmers but Indian recruiters. The H1B should ONLY be issued if an employer can PROVE that there are genuine difficulties in getting skills locally and only after some evidence of that has been presented should a H1B be considered. But frankly I just don8217t see that, I8217ve seen jobs offered that unashamedly say 8220H1B applicants welcome8221 BUT that is an abuse of H1B, because a genuine demonstrable NEED for it MUST precede any consideration of it. Of course the employers here are the Indian run recruiting firms who have streamlined the process of getting H1B8217s and I suspect they have a vested self-interest in sending a worker from India under an H1B. This means that legitimate workers in the US (which includes me because I became a resident quite legally and have always respected and obeyed the rules) may be at a disadvantage when low-cost skills from India are in an advantageous position and it should be stopped, There are many many thousands of US workers and young people who8217d love to work in the IT field but they can8217t get trained because few firms actually do train, some form of apprenticeship would be wonderful. It8217s all about employers reducing costs, IT as a career is beginning to suck 8211 despite all of the years of effort and training the H1B abuse undermines it, IT is hard enough as it is because it changes so rapidly but to add the extra abuse of flooding the market with cheap labor is sad, makes me wonder if the US is going to become like the UK. Imagine the US was hiring hundreds of thousands of Indian lawyers under H1B to fill legal jobs in the US, you can bet that something would be done about that pretty quickly Bill October 10, 2013 at 7:26 am I am currently seeking a contract or full-time role as a developer and I am just amazed at how many of the names and agencies that I deal with are Indian (presumably): Saxon Global 8211 has a Bangalore office 8211 agents have Indian names. saxonglobal FCS 8211 Head Office 8211 Uttar Pradesh 8211 Indian 8211 fcsltdindex. htm IDC Technologies 8211 has office in India 8211 agent is Indian: idctechnologiesindex. php Boston Technology only lists a US Office, agent is clearly Indian. boston-technology Tekis Hub has office in UAE: tekishub Auritias 8211 ne mention of India office, agent is clearly Indian name: auritas Pyramid Consulting has India office and agent clearly has Indian name: pyramidci Themesoft has India office, agent clearly has Indian name: themesoftinc Sunittech has India office, agent clearly has Indian name: sunittech Anblicks has three India offices, the agent has Indian name: anblicks I could go on, I really could but this surely conveys something Over 90 of the agencies sending me e-mail (like tech fetch, career builder, jobsite and all the rest) have an office in India andor the contact name for a job is an Indian (apparently) name. Every day I get a few e-mails because I8217ve registered at techfetch and career builder etc, yet almost every single one is an Indian named contact from an agent who has an office in India 8211 the US offices may or may not simply be registered corporate addresses 8211 nothing more than mailboxes for all I know. Foreigners dominate the software recruitment business in the USA 8211 this is a plain deduction from the facts at hand. How did this happen what assurances are there that these firms behave ethically and do not favor Indian candidates who may want to transfer a H1B Visa. From what I8217ve read a H1B 8220transfer8221 is actually a fresh application for a H1B Visa BUT WITHOUT BEING SUBJECT TO ANY CAP 8211 get that bit If some of these firms have H1B staff working in the USA who want to change jobs or are approaching the end of their contract, then these firms might have streamlined the H1B 8220transfer8221 process and be able to favor these candidates over US candidates because the profits are better. This is just a suspicion of course, I have no evidence 8211 but living in the USA 8211 the home of high technology and software innovation 8211 its very disheartening to see the recruitment industry dominated by Indians running Indian firms. Steve October 13, 2013 at 1:57 am 100 of initial H1B visas for foreign doctors are fraudulent. 8230..Each year the U. S. government pays 100,000 each for 26,000 new medical residencies for medical school graduates to complete specialized training at teaching hospitals located throughout the United States. Out of the 100,000 the U. S. government funds, 50,000 is a salary paid to the doctors. In 2013, 17,487 U. S. medical school graduates, 2677 U. S. osteopathic medical school graduates and 5,095 U. S. citizen and permanent residents who graduated foreign medical schools (25,259 total) applied for the 26,000 positions. All graduates had to have their credentials verified and pass two separate competency exams in order to apply. 1,100 U. S. medical school graduates and 2,300 U. S. citizen and permanent residents who attended foreign medical schools were not offered U. S. taxpayer funded trainingjobs in the United States. Out of the excess 741 positions, foreign medical school graduates managed to obtain 5,000 U. S. taxpayer funded residencies at a salary of 50,000 per year. 823082304,400 of these U. S. citizen and permanent resident graduates who had their credentials verified and passed competency exams were deemed 8220not qualified8221 for training. 82308230What would we do without the H1B visa skp October 24, 2013 at 7:23 pm I am an H1b. I cannot agree to all that the author is trying to say. There is half truths in it. But I stress that you may have millions STEM people. but how many of them are employable is a big question mark. Without skills degrees are useless. Aditya October 31, 2013 at 3:58 pm I am an H1B visa holder. And to be truthful, I do not have any extraordinary skills that an American worker won8217t have. The logic is simple. Profit. We are made to slog and we do so, dreaming of earning in dollars. And with the current conversion rate, people are happy when they convert their earnings to Indian currency. Outsourcing is, in my limited experience, a profit making machinery. I might be wrong. But in simple terms, thats what it is. A simple example. US engineers and IT people have created companies like google, Microsoft etc. Indian tech guys create companies that service the American companies. Período. Well, there have been cases when Indian like Sabeer Bhatia, who founded msn. have created more jobs for Americans. But I guess that8217s a one off case. notes December 17, 2013 at 1:31 pm Hi I stumbled upon your post while doing some general research about my H1B visa. I share your concerns because i may be a future american, but if you are true American then you should already know the American philosophy, what happnes on this land, new blood comes replaces old blood. it does not matter from where new blood comes. This is simply a nature in America, and thats how it prosper. now i on my part have choice to accept it or not. but born citizen dont have any choice. sometime we have to accept some norm the way our environment is. In my native country, india. the reason why we are so much behind of world is that we do not easily allow newcomers to come in. We expelled Britisher out, fought with them, but rather if we would have collaborated with them, negotiated with them then may be today india would have been at least somewhere close to developed country. Also some one above in his post said, all the recruiters are indian, so my question is why the heck an American who does not have job, can join this indian recruiting company. That Indian company would be glad to keep you as recruiter, because you have english as your native language. I am not getting why an American can8217t be recruiter. Same for H1B8217s too, Why a good american programer who has lost his job can8217t apply in indian IT company, or altogher why he can8217t be made as Manager in indian IT company. Just on the basis that you have some idea that all Indian work on cheap rates, thats totaly wrong. H1Bs are not allowed to work on low rates. there is a mimimum wage rate. i guess 80K YR. I have worked with American programers, some are really good. but not everyone is good. and the one who are good, they dont really want to do day to day crap IT job. rather they will spent time at knowing it at broad level. Will not do low level. crappy stuff. Just be honest. Dmitry December 20, 2013 at 3:23 am Since you brought up Microsoft as an example8230 I was formerly an H1B employee at Microsoft. I can tell you with a high degree of confidence that H1Bs at Microsoft (and the same is true, based on my experience and anecdotal knowledge from friends, at Google, Amazon, Apple, etc8230) are compensated exactly the same as their American counterparts. So, at least as it relates to these companies, the argument for 8220profit8221 is completely baseless. Another baseless argument is saying that there is 8220no shortage of STEM workers8221 in the IT field. The fact that you are using an umbrella-term like 8220IT field8221 means that you have no clue at all about the field. I don8217t doubt that there are plenty of workers who can do IT-stuff 8211 this is hardly a qualification that top tech companies, like Microsoft, are looking for. They are looking for tech ninjas 8211 those, who wouldn8217t even call themselves as being in the IT industry for the risk of being confused with the mob of mediocrity. I can8217t deny that there are companies that try to circumvent the intent of this visa program. Where there is a monetary incentive there is someone to take advantage of it. In fact, they are the bane of the top companies attempts to bring talent because they take a portion of the H1B caps. The proper approach is not to cancel the H1B program, but rather to find ways to combat the problem. And, in parallel, increase the caps because the economic benefit of supporting top world-leading tech companies far outweighs the problems created by outsourcing companies. In fact, I would go as far as saying that if your job is outsourced with such ease, you should consider this an early warning and start changing your career path. Until then, companies like Microsoft would open satellite offices in Canada (as they did in Vancouver, BC) with the tax revenue that could have gone to US. Then, you also have to consider the auxiliary effects of a high concentration of tech talent, like the emergence of strong startup scene, which leads to a virtuous cycle. Peter April 23, 2014 at 2:10 pm Similar situation, originally from UK at top university, H1-B at large tech company in California after interning. Paid at least as much as American peers (6 figure salary, generous benefits). I am valuable because of my niche experience there. There is clear abuse from Indian 8220IT Consulting8221 companies which grab a huge number of H1Bs each year, and the outsourcing that goes to them 8212 I fully agree with this. But, you cannot make sweeping generalizations, as many of us are here for our talent, and do not drive down wages. The focus must be on eliminating abuse in the system 8212 see skilled immigration (points-based) in various EU countries for examples. Firas January 7, 2014 at 6:39 am there are things in IT jobs those are completely absent in your conversations: 1-Training is very useful for junior level, while there are terms can not be taught above that, like experience and passion that lead to creativity, they are more like a gift. 2-Considering above, it is very worthy for me to be an indie developer and sell software directly to American companies rather than be in a limited salary and paying multiple big taxes in USA, (am not American and don8217t live in the states by the way). 3-There are strong competitors for almost all American software companies worldwide, and wo O visa or other bureaucratic nominations, American IT companies will face one of the possibilities:loosing global domination, opening in another country and in either way you will loose the industry. AnotherCDeveloper January 20, 2014 at 6:15 pm Why are the H1Bs so afraid of competition The Indian H1Bs are indentured slaves. Let them start their own companies in India. If this is a level playing field, just require any company that wants to hire an H1B to advertise for 30 days, document the position and skills they are looking for. Let Americans see the jobs and then require the companies to document what skills they are unable to hire for. It would solve the problem. US workers can compete with anyone. The H1B program is a scam to get cheaper labor. One problem we do have is we are a heterogenous culture and are willing to give newcomers the benefit of the doubt. Indians take this and screw us. Try to find an Indian H1B that speaks badly of another Indian. It doesn8217t happen. They take care of each other. Once Indian H1Bs are part of the company the culture is ruined and slowly will transition to all Indian. Dear you seem to be thoroughly frustrated and lost hopes. No one can stop talent. Bill gates was school drop out. When USA started globalisation why now repent. Globalisation is only for your products to sell not for labor migration Why US MNC hire costly American labor and compete in backward countries when they can outsource to cheap labor Other way is to send work offshore and set up factories in China, India, Bangladesh. That is what your MNCs are doing. Then you wont even get consumer dollars too and your retail chains like Wal-Mart will perish and more job. You must sit in drivers seat to understand this. Think like Bill gates or Obama. Why American labor gets 50000 Dollars a year on average when in India it is just 900. So big difference. Obviously there will be migration attempts. Let USA change its policies and let third world countries develop then no one would want to go to USA. Who wants to leave his motherland and go in alien land So always big picture in mind. Your leaders like President and MNC CEOs are not traitors and damned fools like you guys think out of frustration. Train yourself for new careers if you cant compete. Karthik January 23, 2014 at 8:30 pm I am an H1B. payed well above Industry average, I do not think I have any special technical skills. I quit my first job for a better paying job. but later my first company called me back with a much higher offer and my current company (i stayed there only for 8 months ) agreed to pay 20 more. seeing this I assume that there is something special with me . Initially I was under the assumption that I am paid a minimum wage. but later on i started checking the industry average and I found that my previous salary itself was 10 to 20 higher than most comparable jobs . Now I beleive that companies keep their H1bs not because they are cheap but may be they add the expected value or even more to the work they do .(By the way I make sure I work only 8 hours or less on a productive day or 9 hours on a not so productive day ). I do not intend to say that H1bs are superior workers. but rather wanted to assert that they are in no way inferior when it comes to the skills demanded for H1b jobs. I am pretty sure the american youth is well aware of the fact that their jobs are at stake. when applicants are from around the world. and I believe they are good enough to stand the competition . Jay March 12, 2014 at 8:18 pm The author is biased and obviously full of wrong information 8230. 8220The most common way, in fact, for converting an H-1B visa into a green card is through marriage to a U. S. citizen.8221 8230LOL. He is a funny guy, how many of H1Bs marry citizen. 8230He is full of wrong figures8230btw H1B can get job only when there is an ad for ten (10) consecutive business days in two conspicuous locations such as notice boards8230and there is no job applicant8230. Someone might have lost job and accusing cheap labor was a reason8230.But if employer really wants cheap labor then they will try someone from Africa or South America8230Why H1B since H1B salary has a minimum salary limit8230 8230 read the concern, which despite being written as it is, still demonstrates accurate concerns: I, Cringely What Americans don039t know about H-1B visas could hurt us all I, Cringely And for the record Bonita, your post doesn039t make much sense in line with this debate. My post 8230 IveyGrad April 1, 2014 at 4:13 pm Over the last decade, jobs that required basic skills that were traditionally filled by H1Bs have been outsourced completely. Although there are exceptions. H1Bs hired these days do represent the cream of the crop. You are most likely to encounter a Stanford engineering PhD working at Apple on machine vision or a recent Wharton graduate working for Mckinsey amp Co. These candidates are highly prized mostly due to the selectivity of the graduate programs they attended. To put this in perspective, Stanford statistics department admitted 1 student from United States last year out of a total of 300 who applied. Facebook and Google each hired 2 engineers right out of top undergraduate programs in India for 250,000yr on H1Bs. Clearly the wages are not low and no, they do not do grunt work. The author8217s argument makes sense for the period of time until 2004, but since then outsourcing has accelerated to the point now that these corporations find places like India and China far to expensive and are looking at other Asian, South American and African countries. Abraham April 25, 2014 at 10:12 am am so happy so I need to pay for H1b Visa Attorney Fee is only 1550. I think New H1B cap opens on April 1, 2014. As the economy continues to improve, we anticipate that (just like 2013) the H1B petitions may go into random lottery selection. If you want to increase your chances of making it into the forthcoming H1B cap, you must start your application process NOW. Thanks so much for your time and consideration. Kind regards, Abraham Welday, P. O.Box 1037 Email: abrahamwel22gmail or There8217s no doubt abuses in H1-B. However, a fair number of H1-B holders become permanent residents and productive members of society. I came to US from Canada on H1-B for an EE job. I stuck around and eventually got my greencard, and master degree at Stanford. I8217ve been through a few startups and paid in excess of a million in tax over the years. For people like me, H1-B is the only path for skilled workers to become US citizen. US is a country of immigrants, starting from the founding fathers. There8217s always tendency for old immigrants to push away new immigrants. The challenge that we have here, is to really weed out the lower skill works who have no chance (because of employer abuse) of getting a green card. sriti June 19, 2014 at 7:29 am I am u. s citizen, I work in it company It is painful to work with H1b workers, they often tries to show u. s. Citizen workers that they are very skilled full, when you tries to ask them something, they will not help you, because you are not Indian, These Indiana people only help themselves, I feel so bad working with some of them, specially IBM consultant. They think they are something, I wish u. s. Makes very less quotas for this H1b, specially they need to stop bringing people from India, u. s. Have to make certain ways that citizens can get such training at university, so they can be a very good work force, there is so many graduates are sitting at home not working because they don8217t have experience or skills, if those graduates can get such training, they can be good workforce and. great tax payer, Samantha Jeff September 9, 2014 at 5:20 pm Hello everyone, My name is Samantha Jeff, I am from the Texas, United State, am here to testify of how i got my loan from Mr Andre Frank after i applied Two times from various loan lenders who claimed to be lenders right in this forum, i thought their lending where real and i applied but they never gave me loan. I was in need of an urgent loan to start a business and i applied from various loan lenders who promised to help but they never gave me the loan. Until a friend of mine introduce me to Mr Andre Frank the C. E.O of Andre Frank Loan Company who promised to help me with a loan of my desire and he really did as he promised without any form of delay, I never thought there are still reliable loan lenders until i met Mr Andre Frank, who really help me with my loan and changed my lief for better. I don8217t know if you are in need of an urgent loan, free feel to contact Mr Andre Frank on his email for help Whistle Blower September 16, 2014 at 11:17 am This is nothing but our U. S. Govenment8217s fault for making this happen. My company even bought an IT company in India to send IT jobs there. My company is a U. S. govt contractor and has project work done off-shore in India. It is a shame that our own gov8217t. allows that thier project work sent to India and not to its citizens here. My company is basically left with 8220Managers, Liasons, coordinators8221 in United States. The real work is being done in India, which is subpar. But hey as long the company saves millions. Nicholas September 24, 2014 at 2:52 am ARCO can fund your project with any amount of money you need, We do Mobilehome Parks, Car Dealers, Multi-family, Assisted Living, Gas Stations, Medical Facilities, Bridge Loans also offer8217s urgent loans to individuals at an interest rate of 4 for personal or business expansion. Fast closing, serious applicant only should Contact email for more information: (arcofinance. firm. inchotmail) My name is Antoni Bolek and i am from poland. warsaw. after randomly searching online for things about accerdited online loan lenders i found this article about the Queeneth Stark Loan Agency which stated on how the Queeneth Stark Loan Agency has been of great help to others who were in need of loan both in time past and in the now. its crazy that i got scammed of 3000 Dollars by an online loan lender in time past and this was why i became even more careful this time in getting this my student loan as i needed to contiune my education at all cost by getting a loan from any legit and accredited online lender because my dad is late and my mum was financially unstable to take up with my educational expenses because i had my youngers once whom she was catering for. i decided to apply with this loan agency of a loan amount of 25 ,000.00 United State Dollars becauswe i was in desperate need of a loan but amazingingly and by the grace of God almighty in heaven. i got this loan funds swiftly and immediately after the completion of my application process and this is why i want to reccomend this loan council to every one on this forum who are also in dire need of loan too just as the way i was some few months ago and there email address is here just incase you wanna contact them too for any type of loan mrsqueenethstarkloanagencyadmin. in. th My name is Antoni Bolek and i am from poland. warsaw. after randomly searching online for things about accerdited online loan lenders i found this article about the Queeneth Stark Loan Agency which stated on how the Queeneth Stark Loan Agency has been of great help to others who were in need of loan both in time past and in the now. its crazy that i got scammed of 3000 Dollars by an online loan lender in time past and this was why i became even more careful this time in getting this my student loan as i needed to contiune my education at all cost by getting a loan from any legit and accredited online lender because my dad is late and my mum was financially unstable to take up with my educational expenses because i had my youngers once whom she was catering for. i decided to apply with this loan agency of a loan amount of 25 ,000.00 United State Dollars becauswe i was in desperate need of a loan but amazingingly and by the grace of God almighty in heaven. i got this loan funds swiftly and immediately after the completion of my application process and this is why i want to reccomend this loan council to every one on this forum who are also in dire need of loan too just as the way i was some few months ago and there email address is here just incase you wanna contact them too for any type of loan mrsqueenethstarkloanagencyadmin. in. th My name is Ahana Enaney from ireland. If getting a legit loan online was that easy as stated in all this frabicated loan testimonies that i have been reading through online. then why were my husband and I turned down for a loan online twice after been scammed of about 16,000 United State Dollars. We the loan seekers are the common regular victims of this fake loan stories simply because we are in dire needs we believe in their stories out of despiration to get a loan, but at the end of it all we find out that we have gained nothing but rather loosed the little we have into the hands of this online scammers who claim to be real lenders. the lenders told us to pay some few amount for insurance because they said that we were high risk. How is that I still don8217t understand how. how can a lender be requesting several fees from a borrower. if that borrower was having money would he or she have come along to ask for a loan. those lenders decieved my husband and i of getting a loan and we thought it was all real because we never believed that there was anytime as an online loan scam and they had all pay all we had to them and due to the way things were moving we had to close out our buisness over here in ireland as we could not meet up with the customers needs any longer because we sold all most every single goods we had and we could not replace them as we thought that we could do so if we get our requested loan amount 8230 yes. we were scammed by two different lenders online. a customer who was also a closed friend to the family saw the way things were so bad and decided to introduce us to a loan company but we refused any further loan offer because we had conluded that all of them were scams but he insisted as he opened up of getting a loan from them but we believed him at a spot after he opened up because we knew himfrom the onset to be a man of unquestionable character who was always known for his words and we applied with this company that he called THE WINONA MILLARAY LOAN FOUNDATION but prior to our application with this email address. winonamillarayloanfoundationlinuxmail. org. that he provided to us we quickly lookup this loan company in google so that we could be sure that they were legit. sim. it was to my own satisfaction and i applied but God was so kind that he lead us through and we got our loan. Oh well, I8217m just glad that we got our loan without been scammed or any stress . Ahana Enaney from ireland and you can reach me on my official email address ahanaenaneygmail . jamie October 1, 2014 at 5:38 pm Jamie Lawrence Loan HOUSE We offer private, commercial and personal loans with very low annual interest rates as low as 2 in one year to 50 years repayment period anywhere in the world. We offer loans ranging from 5000 to 100 million. Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority. Are you losing sleep at night worrying how to get a legitimate loan lender You bite your nails that fast Instead of beating you, contact Jamie Lawrence loan house (Loan Services) now, specialists who help stop loans bad credit history to find a solution that victory is our mission. Applicants must fill out a loan application form below: E-mail:jamielawrenceloanhousehotmail FORM credit application loan applications Your full name Your e-mail Your phone Your address Your city State Province Country Sex Date of birth Do you have an account Have you applied before The loan amount is needed The life expectancy The purpose of the loan Send me a scanned copy of your passport: Creditor: Mr. jamie Lawrence. The lender E-mail:jamielawrenceloanhousehotmail Ariana Grande Porn Video 8230Every as soon as in a whilst we pick blogs that we read. Listed below would be the most up-to-date web-sites that we opt for 8230 krishan sanghi October 3, 2014 at 5:30 pm Who is this man I couldn8217t go past 3 paragraphs as his facts are totally incorrect. More they are in coherent. He does not even know that H1B are converted in GC and do not need marriage here. In that case no H1B will be required in 1st place. Completely useless. Not worth spending time. Bryce October 4, 2014 at 9:43 am ATTENTION IMPORTANT INFORMATION PLEASE READ Greetings everyone. My name is Bryce knorr. I am a customer relation officer at KIVA GLOBAL FINANCE. I only came here to thank all our customers globally who have taken loans from us and repay back as at when due. Our greatest thanks goes to our customer8217s who directed either their relatives or friends to also take loan from us. We want to use this opportunity to thank you so much for your corporation and for trusting us and allowing us to put smiles on your faces even at this time when it is difficult to trust lender8217s because of so many fake online lenders proliferating the internet and spoiling the name of the few legitimate ones. Thank you for giving us the benefit of doubt and for letting people know that there are still few legitimate online loan lenders like KGF. We know that as this year is about to end, there may be certain needs looking for a soft loan to take care of your bills, expand your business or even start up a new business. Am happy to announce to everyone that as part of our end of year bonanza and most especially as a way to mark our 30th years anniversary of rendering financial assistance to people around the world, KIVA GLOBAL FINANCE has arranged a special loan package to everyone, both our old and new customer8217s around the world. We have arranged an END OF YEAR LOAN PACKAGE that will suit your needs and circumstances. The processes are simple and flexible. NO COLLATERAL REQUIRED. NO CREDIT CHECK. NO CO-SIGNING. Hurry now and apply to benefit from this end of year loan package before it is closed. Send your request to one of our representatives now through email: ( johnson. kivagroupgmail ) and experience financial freedom. For the benefit of those who are hearing about us for the first time, i want to let you know that to date, KIVA GLOBAL FINANCE serves more than 27,000 members across the world with 250 million in assets and more than 500 million reserve loan funds in support of our mission. Our financial services has touched the lives of people around the world. At KGF, we do things differently. Our loan is highly secured and affordable. You can visit our website at kiva. org to know more about us. You can also apply there. But that will take some weeks before your loan can be approved. I will advice you contact one of our representatives directly for fast processing and approval of your loan within 24 hours via ( johnson. kivagroupgmail ) Contact him now so we can discuss in more detail with you as we would like to extend our services worldwide8230Always remember, NO TRIAL, NO SUCCESS. Mrs Charity Peterson October 6, 2014 at 7:27 pm Good Day Every One, I am Mrs Charity Peterson, a citizen of the United Kingdom, I am married woman with two kids, a boy and a girls. I have been happily married for 8 years now and life is worth living for us here in the London. My main positive aim of writing this article is to share a testimony about a loan lender Mr Crystal Clark the director of CRYSTAL CLARK FINANCIAL HOME, which God has use to change my story today before i continue further about this genuine loan lender, let me quickly narrate my sad story. It all started like this, when my lovely husband was getting prepared to pay a condulent visit to his parent who reside in British Columbia, Canada. Before he left for the visit to his home soil he was briefly illed, although he was taking treatment before he left for the journey. Getting to his country, he called and reported that he has successfully arrived in his state, we were glad to hear that good news likewise him and his parent, so he told us he was going to stay for long because he wanted to feel at home a little before he return, after two weeks, we received a call that his illness is becoming worst and that it8217s getting out of hands, that he has been admitted in the hospital there in his state. Then we started praying to God to heal him for us, not quite long he died. I became very sad, i cried almost all day because of the sudden disappearance of my lovely husband, who left i am the family so soon, then we had to plan for his funeral and at which he was buried and after all set and do, i had to return to my own country to start up my life with the kids. Getting to my London, things were becoming difficult for us because all the money he left behind have been spent during his funeral, then i have to manged with the kids, still yet things were becoming more worst for me. We can8217t even feed three time a day, no money to pay my bills, school fees for my kids and not withstanding the house rent was coming to experienced and the landlord was already around to remind us about it, all this together were in my mind and i was so worried, i couldn8217t even sleep at night, at times i cried till dawn, i have no one and no where to go for help. I started thinking on what to do to be able to raise money but i could not come up with a good idea. One day as i was surfing the net, i saw an advert by a man named Mr Crystal Clark regarding a loan on going program, without wasting more time i contacted them and i apply for loan sum of 25,000.00usd and i was so happy because they responded to my email and i was given a form to fill, which i did and they sent me their loan terms and condition including the monthly installment which i also agree to, after that i was ask to pay for upfront fee, then i became skeptical and i did not reply them any more and i had to sleep over it and i found that i don8217t have any other remedy, i had to look for the money and i email them on how i will get the fee to them, they instructed me to remit the fee via western union and i did. Now i have to wait for their response, to my greatest surprise before God and man, i receive an alert from by bank that the sum of 25,000.00usd had been credited into my bank account, i was so happy and my heart was full of joy, my kid were also very much glad to here the good news and today i am a successful window who is now doing well, i now own a unisex boutique where i now managed. I am using this medium to tell the worldwide that i am very grateful to Mr Crystal Clark, who turn my story to glory. Today are you in any need of a loan to stand back to feet or are you in the same situation like me, the solution is here and now, contact Mr Crystal Clark a genuine, legit, reputable and God fearing man loan lender for your urgent loan via email:crystalclarkfinancialhome007yahoo and don8217t forget to tell him you where referred to him by me because i promise to bring him more client as a return of what he as done for me and my family. Mrs Charity Peterson. Taylor October 25, 2014 at 5:16 pm My father is a brand new Recruiter for an IT H. R. firm, a small company, maybe a dozen employees. They8217re all american. He never did this sort of work before, and after 9 months on the job is amazed at this whole situation. His company finds jobs that need filling (all consulting temp jobs for large ERP installations and implementations), and send him the requirements. He manages the job boards, posting the jobs, and searching the boards for suitable resumes. Mostly, after finding qualified people, he spends the day trying to reach them by phone. I home-school all day, so I hear every conversation. When I say 8220amazed at this whole situation,8221 I mean, he is amazed when he finds that the prospects he talks to are defeated by the influx of people willing to take the same job for a much lessor rate. For the most part, he8217s gotten pretty good at identifying qualifications using job boards and reading resume8217s. So, his key 8220to-do8217s8221 are to find out if the candidate is rolling off an assignment and when, is willing to take the job he has to offer, and answer the question, 8220what is your rate.8221 You would think that, as smart as IT people are, they could answer this question, and move on, but more and more of them launch into a complaint that sounds something like this: (by way of example only, not a quote) 8220Well, that depends on who I8217m competing with. How many firms are involved in the placement of a person for this position How many foreign consultants have shown an interest in this position I don8217t want to loose the opportunity to get this job if it8217s a matter of rate.8221 I8217m not an economist, but if I had to put a name to it, I8217d call the whole situation, another way for the rich to get richer by choosing a less expensive alternative to fill a niche. No different than opening trade with China to purchase goods less expensively than the competition. However, I think it becomes unfair when the rules of the game aren8217t followed (at the very least) by all. When companies hire 8220regular tech8221 guys instead of specialists with skills not available, it8217s just circumventing the system, isn8217t it When consulting firms only hire H1 people because they want a 30 return instead of hiring all american and accepting 14-20 return, isn8217t that simply, pure greed When hiring entities 8220recruit8221 H18217s, rather than posting the jobs, and waiting to talk to H18217s when 10 days has expired, with no similar american worker with sufficient skills answering it isn8217t that simply circumventing the way the H1 program was written, and I8217d go as far as to ask, doing so greedily You workers from India may consider it 8220smart8221 to rail against, and even make fun 8211 that you are getting over us because of, our system. But here8217s the thing: there are some clear examples in US history where the american worker has stood up to that which is so clearly unfair. I8217m not saying that you should consider 8220staying in your place,8221 but there is some degree of self interest that may be maintained in not being so snarky about the fact that you8217re taking our jobs unfairly. The job market for you may dry up after a single election. Our working public may, at some point, realize that the hippy type groups fighting the 1 percenters in New York, may have had something there. Maybe there is a class warfair thing going on in the U. S. Maybe the rich really are just turning a blind eye to the law when they hire an Indian worker for half what they can find 10 others for currently that are US citizens. Maybe this group will realize, that it8217s not just about 8220the minimum wage,8221 but is an entire plethora of issues that should be addressed once they again regain power 8211 as they have before. Snarky comments by foreigners are never welcome. Even worse when you realize, they8217re also in your pocket as well. giuliano October 29, 2014 at 6:30 am Testimony of lending money I want to give you my testimony here, you who are looking for ready money, I do not know how to express my joy for being myself looking ready, I came across Lelio. Frediano. He granted a loan of 10,000 euro at a rate of 2 and I8217ve talked to several colleagues who have also received loans from this man without worries. Especially for me, I received my credit application by bank transfer in a period of time without protocol and I am quite satisfied. The reason why I publish this announcement is that this man continues to work wonders for people who are really in need. So I decided to share this opportunity with you who do not have the benefit of banks or who had had to deal with dishonest lenders who are abusing the personality of others you have a project or need financing, you can write to him and explain your situation it will help if it is convinced of your honesty. Here is his email: leliofredianogmail Jessica November 5, 2014 at 8:45 am I am Mrs Jessica, currently living in Cape town, South Africa. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in Dec 2013 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it, I was introduced to a Man of God a private loan lender who gave me a loan of 85,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment, if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral. no credit check, no co signer with just 2 interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule, please contact Mr Daniel Jones. He doesnt know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him and also i want God to bless him more. You can contact him through his email: fidelityloanfirmoutlook 8230we came across a cool web page that you may well love. Take a look in the event you want8230 My name is Mr Theodore Boyd..I was frustrated when i got fired from work, so I wanted a loan to start up a business but i was scammed severally by those bastards who pose themselves as loan lenders and tries to rip people off their hard-earned-money. I finally applied from. It was unbelievable that i finally got my loan..On behalf of my family I want to thank you for your help. Thank you MrsWinona Millaray for keeping I and my family8217s head above water. her company contact address is winonamillarayloanfoundationadmin. in. th or better still winonamillarayloanfoundationlinuxmail. org please, If you want to experience swift and guarranteed service you can have them contacted and also letting them know that you were refered to them by Thank You Once Again 8230.Mr Theodore Boyd. My name is Mr Theodore Boyd..I was frustrated when i got fired from work, so I wanted a loan to start up a business but i was scammed severally by those bastards who pose themselves as loan lenders and tries to rip people off their hard-earned-money. I finally applied from. It was unbelievable that i finally got my loan..On behalf of my family I want to thank you for your help. Thank you MrsWinona Millaray for keeping I and my family8217s head above water. her company contact address is winonamillarayloanfoundationadmin. in. th or better still winonamillarayloanfoundationlinuxmail. org please, If you want to experience swift and guarranteed service you can have them contacted and also letting them know that you were refered to them by Thank You Once Again 8230. Mr Theodore Boyd. Mrs Jane November 8, 2014 at 3:11 pm I8217m Jane Brown by name. I live in USA, i want to use this medium to alert all loan seekers to be very careful because there are scammers everywhere. Few months ago I was financially strained, and due to my desperation I was scammed by several online lenders. I had almost lost hope until a friend of mine referred me to a very reliable lender called Mrs. Lily Brown who lend me an unsecured loan of 350,000 under 2hours without any stress. If you are in need of any kind of loan just contact her now via: (mrslilybrownco9gmail) I8217m using this medium to alert all loan seekers because of the hell I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent lenders. And I don8217t wish even my enemy to pass through such hell that I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent online lenders, i will also want you to help me pass this information to others who are also in need of a loan once you have also receive your loan from Mrs. Lily Brown, i pray that God should give her long life. God bless her forever. wholesale silver jewelry 8230although sites we backlink to beneath are considerably not associated to ours, we really feel they may be actually worth a go as a result of, so possess a look8230 I know this website provides quality dependent posts and other information, is there any other network site which provides these information in quality Hello everyone out there , My Name is Miss Debra Hughes. i live in USA and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford the bill for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i run to my father and he was not able to help, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a loan lender Mr. Lewis Logan who provides loans at an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the Internet but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of 100,000 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is okay and can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me any more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to my self that i will shout aloud to the world of the wonders of GOD to me through this GOD fearing lender Mr. Lewis Logan and i will advise anyone in genuine and serious need of loan to contact this GOD fearing man via ( lewislogaloanfirmoutlook ) and i want you all to pray for this man for me THANKS Miss Debra Hughes Anonymous November 13, 2014 at 1:47 pm The companies 8220investing8221 in H1B workers are ultimately creating their own demise. An Indian H1B worker will work for less pay than an US worker8230the trade-off is that most H1B workers are medoicore in their quality of service8230.they are often hard to understand because of those thick Indian accents, difficult to work with because of their lack of skills amp knowledge, amp not very professional in handling tasks at hand. When I was interviewed for an IT position, I had to go through 3 interviews, amp unfortunately 1 of them was Indian. This Indian recruiter didn8217t know the position I had applied for, I had to hand him one of my resumes, while the other recruiters knew exactly what I was applying for I had a hard time understanding the Indian recruiter too It sounded like he was mumbling, amp his thick accent didn8217t help. I had to ask 8220Huh8221 because we wouldn8217t speak loud enough. To make matters worse, it8217s like he didn8217t know how to interview candidates. The way he asked questions was a way other IT recruiters wouldn8217t ask. For example, he said 8220So you would lie is someone asked you a question8221 I told him, 8220NO, that8217s wrong amp unethical, amp if I don8217t know the answer, I would direct the client to someone who does know the answer.8221 Needless to say, I think I got screwed by him. I wouldn8217t have minded his accent if he speak loud amp clear enough amp keep in mind, this Indian was the boss of 30-something people in the firm I applied to. If this guy can8217t even speak clearly while interviewing someone, I8217d hate to see how his employees have to deal with him. All the other interviewers had everything ready for interviewing me, except for the Indian. Ugh. I hate employers who can8217t do their job right Mr John Romero November 13, 2014 at 2:28 pm Hello friends. I am Mr John Romero a citizen of UK. i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 2 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay fees which yield to nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 3500Pounds. One day as i was browsing through the internet looking frustrated when i came across a testimony woman whose name is Mrs Patient Jones from the United State (US) who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Mr MARK SMITH Loan Company (mrmarksmithloancompanygmail) where she finally got her loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 2 different lenders who did nothing but to course me pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and I was given a loan amount of 350,000.00Pounds by this great Company managed by Mr. MARK SMITH and here i am today happy because Mr MARK SMITH Loan Company has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently kindly and quickly contact Mr MARK SMITH Loan Company now for your loan via email: mrmarksmithloancompanygmail Thanks MR MARK SMITH All Alone November 14, 2014 at 1:34 pm What did the Lone Ranger(K no sabes) say to Tonto(stupid)8221 Looks like we are surrounded by Indians8221. Tonto responds, 8220What do you mean we8221 We focus on the Mexicans all the time and use them as a cover to pass 8220immigration reform8221. Pres O is listening to Facebook, Google and Twitter and not Mr. Lettuce farmer, Mr. Strawberry farmer or John Smith Construction and Landscaping Co. But yet they are being charged with doing the same thing Big Corp is going. I say let the Americans that need a job work in the fields and on production lines at these minimum wages to keep them off the welfare dole. Is that really so bad mrs marian November 17, 2014 at 1:18 pm Do you need a loan Welcome to mr fatherbishoploans8230we issued any type of loans to Applicant who is in need of an urgent loan financial assistance and to whom the bank denied them from having credit and we are legally backed by the government. I must tell you, That in this company we give maximum satisfaction you can ever desire. All that is required of you as a borrower is genuine information about yourself, if you are interested in our ads. Company name: fatherbishoploans Ltd FILL THE BORROWER INFORMATION Name:82308230.. Country.. State: City:823082308230.. Address:82308230.. Loan amount:8230 Age:823082308230 Sex:823082308230. Occupation:82308230.. Loan Duration:8230. Monthly Income:82308230. Mobile Phone Number: Office Number:8230.. Email Address82308230 Contact us for more info: fatherbishoploansgmail Thanks It really is teeming with scams on the internet, really not normal. In one week I lost 500usd for payments. I had inquiries made. at Dandy Cash came just disappointed. I would recommend anyone to advertise on the site. I8217ve only tried it a different website, and when I had finally found someone who was still honest (scottutah308hotmail) Because he asked me in advance, but doubted he could give evidence and so I took the risk anyway and I was able to borrow from him. 30000usd, please don8217t email anybody said to be a loan lender in this website because they are all scams, they disappoint me and run away with my 500usd, Mr Scott Utah is the only one i trust because he gave me the loan i needed,,please do not email anyone in this website because they are scams they pretend to be loan lenders they rip people of their hard earned money the USA Attorney General Of Police are searching for this guys in the internet right now so don8217t email this guys please they will rip you off like they did to me.. Mr Barry December 6, 2014 at 4:54 pm Hello everybody, I am Mr Barry, currently living in canada, I am a married man at the moment with two kids and i was stuck in a financial situation by august 2012 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills for my son medication. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it, i was introduced to a Man of God a private loan lender by a friend named Mr. James and i got a loan sum of euro10,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment. So dear, if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan with low interest rate of 2 and better repayment plans and schedule, please contact Mr. Stanley Kings he doesnt know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about her, he offers all kinds of loans to both individuals and company and also i want God to bless him more. You can contact his company through this email godiaandsonscompanygmail Mr Crystal Clark December 6, 2014 at 5:38 pm Complement of the season to you all, Do you need an urgent loan to pay off your bills and debts Do you need fundscapital to managed or expand your business Have you been turn down by banks and other financial agency because of your bad credit scoreAre you in a very deep financial mess and you need an urgent loan to stand back to feet financiallyAre you blacklisted Have you been searching for a long term or short term loan Do you need a secure and unsecured loan If yes then search and panic no more, CRYSTAL CLARK FINANCIAL HOME is a certify and approved credit home where all your financial difficulties can be a thing of the past, we give out all kind of loan such as: Educational Loan, Business Loan, Mortgage Loan, Consolidation Loan, Car loan, Auto Loan etc, we also lend out loan at affordable interest of 2.5 and we do give out loan in all kinds of currency like, Ponds, Euro, Dollar s, Rands, the minimum loan we lend out to borrowers is 5,000.00usd while the maximum is 100,000.000usd. We stand out as a medium to help those that are in any financial needs, so kindly search no more today and apply for your easy loan to execute your plans and be successful in life. Contact us today via emailcrystalclarkfinancialhome007yahoo for more information about our loan programming and regulation. You can also apply online. Cumprimentos. Mr Crystal ClarkBOARD OF DIRECTORS Ary Khatchikian Founder and Co-Chairman Throughout his 20-year career in financial technology, Ary Khatchikian has been at the forefront of the electronic trading movement. In 1995, Ary founded Indigo Solutions, where he developed and marketed NeuronXT, an order management system (OMS) targeting small and mid-size investment firms. In January 2000, after founding Portware with Eric Goldberg, Ary transformed NeuronXT into Portware Enterprise, the leading multi-asset trade management system on the market today which has won numerous awards worldwide Ary has become a leading voice in the electronic and algorithmic trading community and serves as an advisor to several start-up and existing technology companies. Eric Goldberg Founder and Co-Chairman Whether running a trading desk or launching a financial technology firm, Eric Goldberg has been an active participant on the front lines of electronic trading for over 25 years. Throughout his career, Eric has held a variety of senior level positions at buy-side and sell-side firms, running trading desks specializing in index, portfolio and derivatives trading. Eric also holds significant expertise in system development, architecture and functionality. In January 2000, Eric left trading to form Portware with Ary Khatchikian. Since its inception, Portware has established itself as the leading multi-asset trade management solution in the industry. Eric is an active angel investor in the financial technology sector. ALFRED ESKANDAR Chief Executive Officer, Portware Alfred Eskandar is a proven business leader and technology entrepreneur who has dedicated almost 20 years to introducing new levels of innovation and customer value to the global capital markets community. As CEO of Portware, Eskandar has passionately worked to fundamentally change the trading technology landscape. Appointed CEO in 2012, Eskandar recognized the pervasive need for decision support tools that would help advance a collaborative environment between portfolio managers and traders. Months later he spearheaded the acquisition of the technology assets of Aritas group to create Portware Alpha Vision. In 2013, Eskandar was named to the prestigious Institutional Investor Trading Tech 40, the global ranking of the most prominent innovators and managers in the capital markets, selected based on their accomplishments and contributions at both the company and industry levels. Prior to Portware, Eskandar ran the US trading business for Liquidnet, where he was an executive team member and founding employee. Throughout his tenure he held multiple leadership roles including global head of strategy, directing all strategic initiatives, alliances and investments. He also led the acquisition of Miletus Trading, LLC, a leading quantitative and program trading broker-dealer, serving as president and chief executive officer during its integration. Scott DePetris President and Chief Operating Officer, Portware Scott DePetris is a founding member of Portware, LLC and a proven serial entrepreneur. At Portware, DePetris drives the day-to-day business and works closely with the global client base to ensure Portwares expanding suite of solutions and services continuously meet clients evolving requirements. Prior to Portware, DePetris was the co-founder and senior vice president of ExchangeLab, Inc, an intellectual property development company for financial services technologies. DePetris helped to incubate a number of successful FinTech start-ups and helped orchestrate the sale of ExchangeLabs primary asset, Financial Auction Network, to a consortium of investment banks, which was later launched under Nasdaq as Primex. Earlier in his career, he specialized in equity derivatives at The Goldman Sachs Group, and previously served on the board of directors at Dekania Acquisition Corporation (Amex: DEK. U). DePetris is a board member of the prestigious Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and is an active philanthropist, serving as Chairman of the board of directors at LSA Family Health Service. LONG RIDGE EQUITY PARTNERS Jim co-founded Long Ridge in 2007 and serves as Managing Partner. Prior to founding Long Ridge, Jim was a Senior Partner at TH Lee Putnam Ventures, a 1.1B growth capital firm, where he led the firms financial services investment efforts. Prior to joining THLPV, Jim served as a Senior Vice President of GE Equity where he led investments in financial services, technology, consumer and media companies. Prior to joining GE Equity, Jim worked at Lehman Brothers as a Vice President and at Bain Company as a Consultant. Jim received a B. S. from New York University and an M. B.A. with Honors from the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania. We are a company of problem solvers. We are driven by taking on challenges and finding solutions others cant imagine. Every day, we wake up with one goal in mind: making the industrys best automated trading systems even better. Our clients are global investment managers, hedge funds and broker dealers, firms who understand the complexities of todays markets and want a trusted partner that has been at the forefront of electronic trading for more than a decade. Alfred Eskandar Chief Executive Officer, Portware Alfred Eskandar is a proven business leader and technology entrepreneur who has dedicated almost 20 years to introducing new levels of innovation and customer value to the global capital markets community. As CEO of Portware, Eskandar has passionately worked to fundamentally change the trading technology landscape. Appointed CEO in 2012, Eskandar recognized the pervasive need for decision support tools that would help advance a collaborative environment between portfolio managers and traders. Months later he spearheaded the acquisition of the technology assets of Aritas group to create Portware Alpha Vision. In 2013, Eskandar was named to the prestigious Institutional Investor Trading Tech 40, the global ranking of the most prominent innovators and managers in the capital markets, selected based on their accomplishments and contributions at both the company and industry levels. Prior to Portware, Eskandar ran the US trading business for Liquidnet, where he was an executive team member and founding employee. Throughout his tenure he held multiple leadership roles including global head of strategy, directing all strategic initiatives, alliances and investments. He also led the acquisition of Miletus Trading, LLC, a leading quantitative and program trading broker-dealer, serving as president and chief executive officer during its integration. Scott DePetris President and Chief Operating Officer, Portware Scott DePetris is a founding member of Portware, LLC and a proven serial entrepreneur. At Portware, DePetris drives the day-to-day business and works closely with the global client base to ensure Portwares expanding suite of solutions and services continuously meet clients evolving requirements. Prior to Portware, DePetris was the co-founder and senior vice president of ExchangeLab, Inc, an intellectual property development company for financial services technologies. DePetris helped to incubate a number of successful FinTech start-ups and helped orchestrate the sale of ExchangeLabs primary asset, Financial Auction Network, to a consortium of investment banks, which was later launched under Nasdaq as Primex. Earlier in his career, he specialized in equity derivatives at The Goldman Sachs Group, and previously served on the board of directors at Dekania Acquisition Corporation (Amex: DEK. U). DePetris is a board member of the prestigious Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and is an active philanthropist, serving as Chairman of the board of directors at LSA Family Health Service. Sarath Chennareddy, Ph. D. Global Head of Engineering, Portware Sarath Chennareddy as Global Head of Engineering at Portware is responsible for all software design and development, quality assurance and delivery of products and solutions to clients. Sarath has more than 20 years of experience in design, development and implementation of a wide range of technology solutions for the investment industry. Sarath is an expert in building customizable trading systems that support the creation and execution of algorithmic trading strategies for global equities, derivatives and foreign exchange. Sarath started with Portware in 2000 and has been intimately involved in nearly all facets of the build-out of its products. Prior to joining Portware, Sarath was at IIT Bombay India, where he received his Ph. D. in engineering. Senior software developer Portware LLC seeks Senior Software Developers for a position in the New York City Area to create software for automated portfolio and algorithmic trading and work with JAVA, SWING, JMS, XML, and JSP. To apply, send resumes to Naleenee Hansraj, 233 Broadway, 24th floor, New York, NY 10279 Senior Software Engineer Implement the given requirements and deliver high quality code with in the agreed timelines Quality Assurance Engineer As a QA Engineer, candidate will be responsible for design execute manualautomated test cases, analyze and report results for various tests performed Database Developer Position: Build Release Engineer Number of openings: 1 Location: Hyderabad Purpose: Be part of a dynamic Database team working with Oracle and moving into Big Data technology. Share responsibility in development of all Database related technologies that make up the Portware Trade Management platform. Position: Senior software developerlead - US Number of openings: 1 Location: New York, NY The leading global algorithmic trading and Execution Management System (EMS) provider seeks Sr. Software developersleads with financial industry specific experience. Our product supports clients both on the buy-side and sell-side along within Equity, FX, Futures and Options Fixed Income asset classes. We are located in New York City. Compensation is commensurate with experience. Key Responsibilities: Provide technical direction for the development, design and systems integration from specification phase through implementation on multiple development projects. Recognizing potential reuse in the organization or in the application by: Observing and understanding the broader system environment Creating the component design Having knowledge of other applications in the organization Subdivide a complex application, during the design phase, into smaller, more manageable pieces Grasp the functions of each component within the application Understand the interactions and dependencies among components Communicate these concepts to developers Requirements: Minimum of 6 years of programming experience in the finance or electronic trading space. Firm understanding of Java 1.6 - 1.8 core APIs, including collections, multi-threading, XML, SWING and middleware technologies. Strong knowledge of financial equity or derivatives products, market data feeds, trade lifecycle and post-trade processing, portfolio management or Order Management Systems. Proven hands-on design and implementation experience in high-volume, high-performance real-time trading systems. Closely work with sales, product management, development, quality assurance and support teams Strong written and verbal communication skills are a must. Education: Bachelors or Masters Degree in Computer Science or other relevant engineering field. Senior Software Engineer Implement the given requirements and deliver high quality code with in the agreed timelines Key (Functional) Responsibilities Deliverables: Deliver high quality. re-usable and maintainable code, perform Unit Integration Testing of assigned tasks with in the agreed timelines Develop enhance core and client systems functionality, including algorithms, plug-in modules, API and GUI Participate in Requirement gatheringclarification sessions Perform Code Reviews and ensure best practices are followed Trouble shooting (incl. profiling) and resolving critical issues in a timely manner Demos and presentations to internal stake holders Collaborate with internal teams (e. g. Quality Assurance) to ensure smooth product delivery Provide L2L3 support as and when required What makes it interesting Creating innovative solutions for complex problems Gain exposure on Electronic Trading in Capital Markets Exposure to intelligent trading platformalgorithms Freedom to come up with own ideas and productize them Working in agile teams EducationQualifications: B. E B. Tech from reputed colleges ExperienceSkill: 4-7 years (core Java ) Mandatory Skills: Core Java Strong analytical, logical and problem-solving skills SQL Behavioral Competencies: Fast learner, Good communicator. Self-motivated Ability to multitask, prioritize work under pressure with tight deadlines Take initiative and responsibility for end to end delivery Preferable Skills: Swing OOAD J2EE Experience in Financial services and FIX protocol Please submit your resume via e-mail to careersportware quoting the above job title. Position: Quality Assurance Engineer Number of openings: 1 Location: Hyderabad As a QA Engineer, candidate will be responsible for design execute manualautomated test cases, analyze and report results for various tests performed Key Responsibilities: Design and develop ManualAutomated test cases that meet the Best practices and the industry standards for easy maintenance and extensibility Responsible for setting up Test Environments Review requirements with stakeholders for consistency and accuracy Issue reporting and tracking Analyze the logs and debug the issues Interfacing with development teams Individual contributor as well as a team player with ability to build strong partner confidence What makes it interesting Work with cross cultural Teams EducationQualifications: B. E B. Tech Tier 1 colleges Experience: 2-4 years of experience in Software Testing preferably in java based Enterprise Applications Mandatory Skills: Understanding of testing process and ability to setup test enviro nment Experience in creating executing functional test cases. Analyzing discrepancies to understand if the issue is with the system or with the test itself Experience in Databases: SQL-Server, Oracle and OS like Linux, Solaris Analytical and problem-solving abilities, with quick adaptation to new technologies, methodologies, and systems. Excellent communication and documentation skills Knowledge on any of the Automation tools Good to have: Knowledge on Capital Markets domain and FIX Protocol Working in Agile Teams is a plus Exposure to any object oriented or scripting language Position: Database Developer Number of openings: 1 Location: Hyderabad Be part of a dynamic Database team working with Oracle and moving into Big Data technology. Share responsibility in development of all Database related technologies that make up the Portware Trade Management platform. Key Responsibilities: Develop applications as per technical design documents. Make quick decisions while troubleshooting issues that arise as project progresses. Provide detailed knowledge to troubleshoot issues related to Portware Database development. Keep up to date with the latest Database technology Functional responsibilities: Core domain knowledge Strong knowledge of core Oracle database development and design Advanced PLSQL Strong Knowledge of Security Master and Portware databases. Shell scripting, ETL and Data Warehousing experience Comfortable with APEX, SQL Loader. What makes it interesting Working in the one of the most interesting financial domains, Automated trading platform Ability to add value to development instead of just following the instructions Direct input to improve the Portware product and company Opportunity to get involved in Big Data technology. EducationQualifications: B. TechM. TechM. C.A Tier 1 College Experience: 2-4 years core Oracle Database development Mandatory Skills: Advanced PLSQL and Database design Exposure to Apex Strong documentation skills Strong Communication skills Ability to work alone Challenge status quo and be proactive in looking for improvements Preferable Skills: Experience in financial services a plus, but other relevant industries will be considered based on project depth. Good to have: Java Perl Java scripting NoSQL and Big Data technology such as Apache Cassandra and Apache Spark. Various server OS flavours (Windows, Linux, Solaris etc) Trade at the intersection of human and artificial intelligence. Millions of dollars at risk. Numerous orders on the blotter. Countless market events. Hundreds of strategies to choose from. One decision. How will it work out It can boggle the mind, so we built Alpha Vision. Its the only predictive analytic tool that selects the best algo for current market conditions and applies it to your trade in real-time. Its not a magic black box its transparent artificial intelligence. You know what goes in, what happens inside and what comes out. Its decision support that learns from you. It frees you to make better, faster decisions and improves performance. And you can use Alpha Vision on its own for commission and performance optimization or run it seamlessly in the award winning EMS8213Portware Enterprise. Portware Enterprise is a fully customizable execution management system designed to act as a central platform for the creation and execution of algorithmic trading strategies for global equities, futures, options and FX. Portware is not affiliated with any broker, giving our clients unconflicted access to the widest range of liquidity providers, broker algorithmic suites and trading destinations worldwide. Portware Enterprise is currently used by more than 100 firms worldwide, including many of the worlds largest and most sophisticated trading firms. On the buy side, Portware is used by leading institutional investment firms, alternative asset managers and quantitative hedge funds. On the sell-side, Portware is used by program, principal and agency traders to automate all aspects of their client order flow. Portware Enterprises open API allows for seamless integration with any third party or proprietary trade workflow applications, including OMSs, tick databases, risk and analytics applications, trade reporting systems and TCA services. Portware can be deployed, monitored and modified from a single, central location. Users can deploy custom rules, libraries and user interfaces, as well as monitor system health and statistics of Portware installations across the enterprise. Clients can install Portware Enterprise onsite, or leverage Portwares global cloud solution for streamlined deployment and ease of access to all global liquidity providers. Unlike legacy ASP trading systems, Portwares cloud-based Enterprise offering delivers the same levels of performance, integration and customization as locally installed Enterprise solutions. Portware offers pre-certified adapters for all commercial market data providers, including Reuters, Bloomberg, Activ, IDC, Wombat, etc. The system can also integrate with any custom or proprietary feed. Portware supports both single and multi-user configurations for basket, order and position sharing. Portware Strategy Server is a powerful algorithmic engine designed specifically for high volume, high-frequency automated order management. Strategy Server allows users to create complex trading strategies and algorithms in a dedicated, highly secure trading environment. It can be used independently as a stand-alone, black box trading solution, or in tandem with Portware Enterprise to address specific algorithmic development and trading requirements. In either case, Strategy Server can process a massive number of orders and their associated message traffic, routing orders to any global market destination via integrated, pre-certified FIX connections. There are numerous event processing engines on the market today that promise real-time data analysis in one form or another. Yet while the results of various messages-per-second bake-off analyses make for interesting academic discussion, none of these engines offer the full trading solution that Strategy Server delivers. Indeed, beyond basic event processing, these engines offer little else. Portware Strategy Server, on the other hand, combines hyper-fast CEP with the complete set of trading-specific functionality. Portware Strategy Server provides out of the box, pre-certified connections to over 500 global market destinations, including brokers, algorithmic strategies, ATSs, exchanges, and ECNs. Whether you trade Equities, Foreign Exchange, Futures or Options, Strategy Server provides a comprehensive, fully integrated solution for all your routing needs. Strategy Servers flexible, open architecture allows a firm to easily deploy, run and back test custom algorithmic strategies. Users can take advantage of Strategy Servers API to implement advanced, proprietary algorithms for multiple assets, either independently or as part of complex multi-asset trading strategies. And because Strategy Server operates as a separate trading environment, users can update algorithms in Strategy Server on the fly without compromising the stability of their overall trading system. When used in conjunction with client workstations such as those deployed as part of a Portware Enterprise installation, users can route orders from their desktops directly to proprietary and third-party algorithms deployed in Strategy Server. Unlike other basic CEPs, Portware Strategy Server offers full state and position management. Why is this important Portware maintains a complete view of the lifecycle of a particular trade. Is it a single ticket entry Is it a child order, a small part of a larger order that might itself be part of a larger basket level strategy Has the order been accepted If so, is it subject to cancelreplace Was there already a partial fill that would affect ones position How is such a situation handled All of these issues can affect how an order should be handled. Furthermore, the messaging logic that brokers and other market centers use to convey this execution information is far from consistent. As such, users of basic CEPs would have to spend a tremendous amount of time and energy ensuring that their system can handle and normalize these various messaging protocols. With Portware, however, state and position management is an integrated component of Strategy Server. Strategy Server can be easily integrated with any market data feed. Unlike the raft of processing engines on the market, Portware Strategy Server comes equipped with pre-built, robust market data handlers. In addition, the product supports full load balancing of multiple feeds as well as development, customization and normalization of propriety feeds which can be combined with 3rd-party feeds and segmented per asset-class or any other parameter. Strategy Server users can also employ Portwares back-testing suite, which can play back years of historical market data, facilitating an algorithmic development process in which users can move efficiently from testing to production. Additionally, a customizable simulator allows clients to develop their own proprietary test cases. Portware FX provides traders with a real-time view of the entire FX marketplace through a single, fully customizable front end trading environment. This is coupled with next generation algorithmic strategies, powerful analytics and end-to-end workflow integration, providing users with a compelling and complete FX trading solution. Portware FX aggregates liquidity from all dealer banks and ECNs and presents it in a single depth-of-book for both point-and-click and algorithmic execution. Portwares disclosed pricing model enables clients to leverage their credit and relationships for optimal pricing and size when trading with brokers, while our comprehensive ECN aggregation provides clients with streamlined access to all alternative trading venues. With support for streaming executions, RFQs, integrated broker algorithms and an embedded suite of Portware strategies that can be customized to address users specific trading objectives, Portware FX gives clients unparalleled control over their order flow. Portware FX has been deployed by leading hedge funds, CTAs, traditional asset managers, pension funds and brokers dealers globally. All Portware FX clients benefit from the systems flexible user interface, open architecture and ease of integration into existing trade workflows. Portware FX offers traders an embedded suite of customizable execution strategies that can help firms increase trading efficiencies, automate workflows and improve execution quality, all while maintaining relationships with their global liquidity providers. In addition, Portware provides integrated access to a wide range of algorithmic strategies from third party providers, including all leading FX dealer banks. Firms wishing to run their own trading strategies can easily develop, back test and deploy proprietary algorithms directly in Portware FX, or use Strategy Server in conjunction with our liquidity aggregation engine for ultra-low latency algorithmic order execution. All Portware FX clients have access to FX Liquidity Monitor (FXLM), Portwares TCA and post-trade reporting toolset that gives traders greater visibility into their trading performance. Users can benchmark their performance against an array of data points and compare execution quality and pricing across all liquidity providers, either in real-time or via comprehensive month end reporting. Portware FX supports spot, forwards, swaps, and NDFs. Clients can execute versus streaming prices, leverage request for quote (RFQ) and request for stream (RFS) order types, use one of Portwares embedded algorithmic strategies, or engage an algorithm from one of our broker partners. Portware FX integrates seamlessly with all order management systems (OMSs), as well as all downstream trade reporting and reconciliation systems such as Traiana and Logiscope. The system supports all internal compliance rules and restricted broker lists, bringing at-trade risk management to the front office. Clients can deploy Portware on site or leverage Portwares global cloud solution for reduced operational overhead, streamlined deployment and ease of access to all liquidity providers. In todays competitive global trading environment, asset managers need to maximize execution performance and increase trading efficiencies, all while maintaining relationships with brokers and optimizing commission budgets. Alpha Vision is the first and only algorithmic optimization solution that uses predictive analytics to automatically select and implement the optimal execution strategy. By dynamically switching between algorithms and adjusting to changing market conditions in real time, Alpha Vision maximizes alpha capture while minimizing impact costs, adverse selection, information leakage and the impact of high frequency trading. Alpha Visions patented predictive analytics and algorithmic optimization technology acts as a dynamic feedback loop for traders. The system automates the entire process of analyzing orders, monitoring market conditions, selecting the appropriate algorithmic strategy and implementing the optimal execution schedule all in real time. The result is consistent improvements in execution quality across all order types. And by dynamically switching between algorithms, Alpha Vision virtually eliminates information leakage about large orders, protecting firms from the impact of high frequency trading (HFT). As the leading provider of broker neutral trade automation solutions, Portware works with all industry participants to create solutions that enable and transform the way institutions analyze, communicate and execute investment ideas. Portware is making Alpha Vision available to all firms in partnership with the entire brokerage community. This innovative sponsored execution model will allow institutions to achieve superior execution performance while directing flow to any of their broker partners. Brokers will receive full credit for volumes and commissions, preserving and enhancing client relationships. Alpha Vision automates the entire trade lifecycle, allowing you to scale your trading operations and reduce workflow inefficiencies. Your brokers, your workflow. Automated. PORTWARE NEWS New enhancements focus on alpha capture, A. I.-driven analytics, and regulatory compliance tools New York, Nov. 29 2016 Portware, a FactSet Company and a leading global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI), today announced upgrades to its award-winning execution management system (EMS), Portware Enterprise. Portware Enterprise is a fully customizable thinking EMS designed to act as the central platform for the creation and execution of trading strategies for global equities, futures, options, fixed income, and FX. The latest version, Portware Enterprise 6.4, focuses on assisting traders in managing the regulatory and administrative burdens while freeing up their time to concentrate on preserving alpha with state-of-the-art, AI-driven tools. Portware Enterprise 6.4 offers users data warehouse functionality, advanced venue analysis, and an enhanced ability to record and analyze growing volumes of execution and Indication of Interest (IOI) data. The addition of on-demand, customizable reporting functionality will help clients meet growing regulatory requirements, while upgrades to Portwares user interface offer greater customization. Now traders can tailor even more of their individual workspaces to their evolving requirements, on demand, via new Undock Any functionality. Enterprise 6.4 users can now also launch FactSet reports with a single click from inside the Portware user interface, with reports opening directly in the FactSet workstation. Further upgrades to Portwares Wave Optimizer help portfolio managers and traders best determine how and where to route and execute their orders. At the same time, the underpinnings of Portwares unique Alpha Pro artificial intelligence agent have been expanded such that every order on a traders blotter can now benefit from advanced analytics and strategy suggestionswithout first-party data having to leave the firm. Traders today are inundated with data. When a fundamental challenge is merely sifting through the noise to find a signal, traders need smarter tools that can help them analyze market conditions and execute the best trading strategy for a particular order at any given timewhile simultaneously meeting their regulatory obligations, said Alfred Eskandar, CEO of Portware. An EMS should not just be a staging and order routing toolit needs to add measurable value. Portware Enterprise 6.4 gives our clients much needed tools to improve their most complex global trading strategies. With our expanding FactSet integration we can offer a more robust trading solution and deliver on our joint commitment to provide the investment community with state-of-the-art analytic and execution applications across the portfolio lifecycle. Market volatility and dynamic regional compliance initiatives are placing greater pressure on buy-side firms as they look to reduce technology complexity, cut costs and manage increasingly complicated workflows. New best execution requirements and pending regulatory mandates like MiFID II will force firms to demonstrate they can effectively store, analyze and report on their execution data, said Richard Johnson, VP, Market Structure and Technology, at Greenwich Associates. Firms will need to ensure they have access to advanced execution systems that can customize strategies and offer superior analytics necessary to deliver venue analysis and customized reporting. About Portware: Portware, a FactSet company, is the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence. Portwares thinking EMS helps automate and streamline the buy sides most complex trading workflows. Spanning more than three dozen offices in 15 countries together with FactSet, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly customizable, automated solutions to create bespoke workflows, increase operational efficiencies and more closely align portfolio strategy with trade execution worldwide. Part of FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE NASDAQ:FDS), Portwares award-winning trade automation solutions are redefining the electronic trading landscape by empowering traders and portfolio managers to maximize liquidity access, minimize information leakage, and enhance trade execution quality consistently to outperform in todays complex global markets. Media Contact: Amy C. Bowman FactSet Research Systems Inc. Email: abowmanfactset Phone: 1 (203) 810 2144 Premier sovereign wealth fund deploys smart automation for global trading operations New York, Singapore June 29, 2016 Portware, a FactSet company and a leading global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced that GIC, Singapores sovereign wealth fund, has selected Portware Enterprise as its global execution management system (EMS). GIC considers the integration of advanced analytics and leading edge technology critical to its commitment to best execution, and this philosophy was a driving factor in the selection. About Portware: Founded in 2000, Portware is the financial industrys leading developer of broker-neutral trading solutions for global equities, futures, options, and FX. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong, and Hyderabad, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly integrated solutions to streamline workflows and increase operational efficiencies on trading desks worldwide. Portwares flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware . Media Contact: Amy C. Bowman FactSet Research Systems Inc. Email: abowmanfactset Phone: 1 (203) 810 2144 To stand out in a crowd of trading-software competitors, a company needs technology and innovation as table stakes. Portware had that in early 2012 -- the New York-based company was 12 years old, and investment firms were running an aggregate 3 trillion in assets on its execution management systems. But growth had slowed, and Portwares board, in search of new energy and ideas, hired Alfred Eskandar, a member of the founding team of buy-side trading platform Liquidnet, as CEO. Today, Portwares managed-assets total is 10 trillion, payback on product initiatives like Alpha Vision, which introduced real-time predictive analytics to the process of optimizing execution strategy. Portwares transformation may have only just begun, because it was acquired by financial information company FactSet Research Systems in October for 265 million in cash. Portware, a FactSet company and the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced that Wall Street Letter recognized Portware for the fourth year in a row with the prestigious WSL Institutional Trading Award for Best FX Trading Platform. Evaluated by a panel of independent judges, the WSL Awards recognize brokerage firms, exchanges, and financial technology companies for achievements and innovation in the institutional trading industry over the last year. Portware received the Best FX Trading Platform award based on its proven innovation, demonstrated client satisfaction, and positive impact on the market. Portware FX provides traders with a real-time view of the entire FX marketplace through a single, fully customizable front end trading environment. The comprehensive FX trading solution aggregates liquidity from all global providers including banks, ECNs and interdealer platforms to streamline complex workflows and give traders maximum choice with respect to trading strategies and order routing destinations. Portwares customizable algorithmic strategies, powerful analytics, and end-to-end workflow integration give users a compelling and complete FX trading solution that brings new efficiencies to FX trading. Portware continues to enhance our FX platform to give our clients the performance, customization, and workflow integration they need to drive their complex FX trading strategies, and we are honored that Wall Street Letter has again recognized our commitment to innovation and ongoing growth, said Alfred Eskandar, CEO of Portware. Its this proven dedication to excellent client service and engagement that has fueled the success in our global FX business. About Portware Founded in 2000, Portware LLC is the financial industrys leading developer of broker-neutral trading solutions for global equities, futures, options and FX. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong, and Hyderabad, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly integrated solutions to streamline workflows and increase operational efficiencies on trading desks worldwide. Portwares flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware . About FactSet FactSet is a leading provider of integrated financial information and analytical applications. More than 63,000 users stay ahead of global market trends, access extensive company and industry intelligence, and monitor performance with FactSets desktop analytics, mobile applications, and comprehensive data feeds. The Company has been included in FORTUNEs Top 100 Best Companies to Work For, the United Kingdoms Great Places to Work, and Frances Best Workplaces. FactSet is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ (NYSE:FDSNASDAQ:FDS). Learn more at factset. and follow FactSet on Twitter: twitterfactset New York, February 26, 2016Portware, a FactSet company and the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced that Markets Media has recognized Portware and FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE: FDS NASDAQ: FDS), with the Markets Choice Award for Best MampA Deal. First announced on September 22, 2015, the transaction enables FactSet to support client workflows in additional segments of the investment process. Portware is an award-winning, multi-asset execution management system (EMS) that is trusted by the worlds largest asset managers. Together, FactSet and Portware provide the investment community with state-of-the-art analytic and execution applications across the portfolio lifecycle, from analyst to portfolio manager to trader. The winners of the 2016 Markets Choice Awards were selected by Markets Medias advisory board and recommendations from market participants and readers. The Markets Choice Awards select the best of the best among sell-side desks, institutional buy-side investors, technology providers, hedge funds and exchanges. FactSet and Portware share a commitment to delivering exceptional client experience and continuous innovation, and we knew our similar approaches would provide measurable value to our clients, said Alfred Eskandar, CEO, Portware. We are excited and humbled that the industry has recognized the significance this transaction holds for the global investment community. About FactSet FactSet, a leading provider of financial information and analytics, helps the worlds best investment professionals outperform. More than 62,000 users stay ahead of global market trends, access extensive company and industry intelligence, and monitor performance with FactSets desktop analytics, mobile applications, and comprehensive data feeds. FactSet has been included in FORTUNEs Top 100 Best Companies to Work For, the United Kingdoms Great Places to Work and Frances Best Workplaces. FactSet is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ (NYSE: FDS NASDAQ: FDS). Learn more at factset. and follow on Twitter: twitterfactset . About Portware Founded in 2000, Portware LLC is the financial industrys leading developer of broker-neutral trading solutions for global equities, futures, options and FX. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong and Hyderabad, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly integrated solutions to streamline workflows and increase operational efficiencies on trading desks worldwide. Portwares flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware New YorkHong KongLondon, November 9, 2015 Portware, a FactSet company and the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced it has been named the Best Buy-side execution management system (EMS) in the 2015 Buy Side Technology Awards. The win marks the third year Portware has been recognized for its market-defining flagship product, Portware Enterprise. According to Buy Side Technology, the best buy-side EMS award recognizes the platform that features multi-brokerexchange connectivity, pre-trade transaction cost analysis (TCA), algorithmic trading tools and direct market access (DMA), and strong integration capabilities with order management systems (OMSs). Judged by an experienced panel of journalists, independent analysts, and industry experts, the award recognizes Portware as the only multi-asset EMS to combine smart trade automation and execution to bolster the buy sides most complex workflows and optimize alpha. Portwares fully customizable, ultra-fast, and open real-time EMS serves as a central platform to communicate, analyze, and execute investment ideas to make the most informed decisions across asset classes in the shortest time. The win caps another impressive year for Portware, including an expanded global footprint across the Americas, EMEA, and APAC and new client acquisition that sees Portware servicing clients managing over 9 trillion collectively in assets. Portware is now supported by FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE NASDAQ: FDS), which acquired Portware for 265 million. FactSets superior financial research, insights, and analytics, together with Portwares award-winning multi-asset trading technology will allow investment professionals worldwide to receive the most comprehensive investment solutions across the entire trade lifecycle. Portwares highly customizable EMS will continue to provide powerful trade analysis and automation with deeper integration of FactSet data to more closely align portfolio strategy with trade execution. Portwares continued industry recognition is a testament to our clients and their continued support and collaboration as we drive our vision for a new kind of truly multi-asset, smart trading platform, said Alfred Eskandar, CEO, Portware. Global buy-sides are faced with increasingly complex business and trading challenges, and we are honored that they continue to turn to Portware as a trusted partner and recognize our commitment to constantly innovating to give our clients the custom solutions they need. Contact: Rachel Stern FactSet Research Systems Inc. 203.810.1000 New York, November 6, 2015 Portware, a FactSet company and the first and only global provider of multi-asset trade automation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, today announced that Global Finance has included Portware in its first annual list of forex leaders, The Innovators 2015 Foreign Exchange. Portware was selected for its proven innovation, rapid growth in FX business, and comprehensive FX trading solutions. The list is compiled by members of the Global Finance editorial board to provide recognition to outstanding members of the foreign exchange space who have implemented breakthrough products and improved services to transform FX strategy and mitigate risk. Today, asset managers face increasing challenges in navigating the evolving FX market and regulatory requirements. Portware has made significant investment in technology and resources to help asset managers manage complex, multi-asset workflows across the trade lifecycle. Portware FX provides traders with a real-time view of the entire FX marketplace through a single, fully customizable front-end trading environment. The comprehensive FX trading solution aggregates liquidity from all global providers including banks, ECNs, and interdealer platforms to streamline complex workflows and give traders maximum choice with respect to trading strategies and order routing destinations. Portwares customizable algorithmic strategies, powerful analytics, and end-to-end workflow integration give users a compelling and complete FX trading solution that brings new efficiencies to FX trading. Were honored by this recognition from Global Finance, which validates our contribution and dedication to our clients in the evolving FX marketplace, said Alfred Eskandar, CEO, Portware. As a leading multi-asset execution management provider to global asset managers, we continue our commitment to innovation with a truly customizable and intelligent platform for smart automation. Contact: Rachel Stern FactSet Research Systems Inc. 203.810.1000 FactSet Completes Acquisition of Portware, Execution Management System (EMS) Provider, and Updates First Quarter Fiscal 2016 Guidance NORWALK, Conn. October 16, 2015 FactSet Research Systems Inc. (NYSE: FDS) (NASDAQ: FDS), a leading provider of integrated financial information and analytical applications to the global investment community, today announced that following regulatory approval, it has completed its acquisition of all the issued and outstanding membership interests of Portware, LLC. FactSet funded the acquisition by borrowing 265 million under its existing revolving credit facility today. Portware Acquisition First announced on September 22, 2015, the transaction enables FactSet to support client workflows in additional segments of the investment process. Portware is an award-winning, multi-asset execution management system (EMS) that is trusted by the worlds largest asset managers. Together, FactSet and Portware expect to provide the investment community with state-of-the-art analytic and execution applications across more of the portfolio lifecycle, from analyst to portfolio manager to trader. We are excited to bring Portware into the FactSet family and we are confident that our clients will benefit from the proven innovation and talented leadership behind our combined efforts, said Phil Snow, CEO of FactSet. Alfred Eskandar, CEO of Portware, added, We are thrilled to provide FactSets clients with our multi-asset EMS that will deliver smart automation and streamlined workflows to address their global trading needs. The worlds top-performing financial professionals rely on FactSets financial research, insights, and analytics. Portware embeds its solutions into each clients trading ecosystem, emphasizing the automation of simpler trade executions and enabling traders to focus on adding more value to their most complex trades. FactSet and Portware plan to provide more powerful tools and services to align a firms portfolio strategy more closely with its trade execution. Updated Business Outlook for the First Quarter of Fiscal 2016 The following forward-looking statements reflect FactSets expectations as of todays date. Given the number of risk factors, uncertainties and assumptions discussed below, actual results may differ materially. FactSet does not intend to update its forward-looking statements until its next quarterly results announcement, other than in publicly available statements. First Quarter Fiscal 2016 Expectations (the expectations below include the results from the acquisition of Portware) Revenues are expected to range between 270 million and 274 million. Operating margin is expected to range between 32.0 and 33.0. The annual effective tax rate is expected to range between 31.0 and 32.0, and assumes the U. S. Federal RampD tax credit will not be re-enacted by the end of the first quarter of fiscal 2016. GAAP diluted EPS should range between 1.44 and 1.46. Transaction fees of approximately 1 million related to the Portware acquisition have been excluded from this GAAP diluted EPS range. The lapse in the U. S. Federal RampD tax credit on December 31, 2014, reduced each end of the GAAP diluted EPS range by 0.02 compared to the recently completed fourth quarter. If the U. S. Federal RampD tax credit is re-enacted by November 30, 2015, diluted EPS would range between 1.49 and 1.51. FactSet would also recognize an income tax benefit of 0.14 per share if the RampD tax credit could be retroactively applied to previous periods. About FactSet FactSet, a leading provider of financial information and analytics, helps the worlds best investment professionals outperform. More than 62,000 users stay ahead of global market trends, access extensive company and industry intelligence, and monitor performance with FactSets desktop analytics, mobile applications, and comprehensive data feeds. The Company has been included in FORTUNEs Top 100 Best Companies to Work For, the United Kingdoms Great Places to Work and Frances Best Workplaces. FactSet is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ (NYSE:FDS) (NASDAQ:FDS). Learn more at factset. and follow us on Twitter: twitterfactset . About Portware Founded in 2000, Portware, LLC is the financial industrys leading developer of broker-neutral, automated trading solutions for global equities, futures, options and FX. With offices in New York, London, Hong Kong, and Hyderabad, Portware works in partnership with its clients to create highly integrated solutions to streamline workflow and increase operational efficiencies on trading desks worldwide. Portwares flagship product, Portware Enterprise, is a fully customizable trade management and execution system for single stock, portfolio, basket, automated and algorithmic trading. For more information, please visit portware . Forward-looking Statements This news release contains forward-looking statements based on managements current expectations, estimates and projections. All statements that address expectations or projections about the future, including statements about the Companys strategy for growth, product development, market position, subscriptions, expected expenditures and financial results are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may be identified by words like expects, anticipates, plans, intends, projects, should, indicates, continues, subscriptions and similar expressions. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors, including those discussed more fully elsewhere in this release and in FactSets filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly its latest annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, as well as others, could cause results to differ materially from those stated. These factors include, but are not limited to: the current status of the global economy the ability to integrate newly acquired companies and businesses the stability of global securities markets the ability to hire qualified personnel the maintenance of the Companys leading technological position the impact of global market trends on the Companys revenue growth rate and future results of operations the negotiation of contract terms with corporate vendors, data suppliers and potential landlords the retention of key clients the successful resolution of ongoing audits by tax authorities the continued employment of key personnel the absence of U. S. or foreign governmental regulation restricting international business and the sustainability of historical levels of profitability and growth rates in cash flow generation. CONTACT: Rachel Stern 203.810.1000 FactSet Research Systems Inc. a leading provider of integrated financial information and analytical applications to the global investment community, has agreed to acquire Portware, LLC. Following regulatory review, the transaction is expected to close before the end of FactSets first fiscal quarter. - See more at: factsetnews20150922070000

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